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assanza t1_iu8vmbd wrote

Don't waste your time with chiropractors. Go to one of the physical therapy clinics in JC. They are more likely to help you and most places don't require insurance or referral.


PcPillis t1_iu8x8z4 wrote

Try this Physical therapy clinic in Newport ..

They had good pricing for the non-insured and didn't require a referral when I went 3 years ago with a self diagnosed bulging disc in lower back.

I totally agree with most of the comments regarding Chiropractors. Go to a physical therapist instead..


datatadata t1_iu9bl7j wrote

I mean...technically you can go to any chiropractor and they will happily treat you without insurance. As others pointed out, have you tried physical therapy yet?


yuliki_26 t1_iu9xoe6 wrote

I've been to the joint a couple times for adjustments and it does help with some issues, but I would pair it with physical therapy if you want comprehensive care