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Sharp_Boysenberry269 t1_iupd0ka wrote

Correct, Linden is not within Jersey City limits, and is actually several towns over. It’s not even next to Jersey City.

I don’t mean this in a harsh way but it sounds like you didn’t do any research about anything before accepting this job, including what city the job is in. I’d use this as a learning curve for the future to always Google the company, the town you’d want to live in, the viable transportation options, nightlife etc before making such a large decision. There is plenty to do around here once you get used to it. Hopefully this job gives you a leg up on your resume and in a year you can find a job/location that better meets your needs.


XIFOD1M OP t1_iupfgqx wrote

I’m more the “leap before you look” type, but I promise I did a good amount of research beforehand lol. The problem is just that I didn’t research the right stuff. I knew I’d be commuting and I’ve actually spent a good amount of time in JC. I just didn’t have the grasp of its geography that I thought I did. I was too focused on finding a nice apartment in my price range but I probably would’ve been happier in a shitty place downtown. Obviously I fucked up lol but I’m inclined to chalk it up to this being my first real move. Not a complete failure to plan as it probably appears.
