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moobycow t1_iwuqtef wrote

This seems somewhat important:

“The courts ruled in 2008 that the Faulkner Act could not restrict this or put it on the ballot, and the mayor does not have the legal authority to restrict this,” Wallace-Scalcione said.

What is it they would like Fulop to do?


[deleted] t1_iwuwzwl wrote

Always the same with Fulop. He'll claim credit for shit like Smorgasbord but when it's actual governance he throws up his hands.


moobycow t1_iwv0xok wrote

That's not an ask. Specifically, what should he do about this? He's not legally allowed to stop it, so he can't fire someone for it.

I suppose he could say, "Hey, stop that!" And then...

Given the outlined cases, it just seems like picking a fight for no good reason, one that can't legally be won and has almost no financial consequences.

I'd rather people spend their time fighting for things that will make more of a difference rather than burning political capital on this sort of thing.

When you start screaming about a $6k or even 22k part time job that can't legally be prevented, that makes me less likely to listen the next time you start screaming, and that next time you might have an actual point.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iwutafo wrote

Start exposing the corruption above him


Dependent_Map_3940 t1_iwuw2ua wrote

& what would that do?


aramova t1_iwxh907 wrote

God damn, @dependend_map_3940 is right folks.

Let's pack it up, no point in drawing attention to issues anymore. Go home and watch the match in Qatar or something.


henry_sqared t1_iwv4a11 wrote

If the Faulkner Act doesn't apply, then draft legislation that does. Show a visible commitment to ending the practice. Rally state legislation. This would be a big step in the right direction.


moobycow t1_iwv54xl wrote

So you want our mayor to draft legislation and fight a legal battle to stop a total of what, $100k of potential grift?

Does he use city resources for it, because I think that is a money loser overall.

I get it, and that is a real thing he could do, but I have a hard time thinking that is the sort of thing worth spending his time and resources on. But might be worth backing as a politician if a good government group drafted the legislation and did most of the heavy lifting.