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bodhipooh t1_iwv6jct wrote

This is the correct read. The issue of double-dipping was really about government jobs that resulted in multiple pensions. And, of course, the overlap of what were supposed to be FULL TIME jobs which meant holding two (or, more) was impossible and obvious fraud. That some people have a full time government job, and do one or two other ones that are just a few hours here and there? That's hardly news or even corrupt. Some of the examples cited were so benign as to actually detract from the overall conversation. This whole thing truly comes across as people desperate for relevance making a stink about a non-issue. Stay focused and go after the real corruption and not someone getting paid a few K for an advisory role or some other super small side gig.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iwv8mlh wrote

Lets not forget that the Council pay was dramatically increased to make it a full time rather than part time job. Yet we still have people with full time jobs in office. Mission accomplished?


JodyMcAllister t1_iwvmvar wrote

I mentioned in it in another post here, but remember when Jake Hudnut ran for city council a couple of years ago, while he's employed as the municipal prosecutor? He would've collected 2 full-time salaries from the city, and the mayor supported him.

I also remember (it wasn't that long ago) when the city council pay was around $35k a year, but now it's more like $65k... I can't remember, they keep voting themselves raises.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_iwxc5za wrote

Agreed. Having a full time job and city council feels more like double dipping than a $8k thing on the side for the county.

Grifters always are one step ahead.


doglywolf t1_iwvubmr wrote

This is exactly the problems with crusaders sometimes. Like a dude is doing tons of bad things and that more then enough to focus on and get all the support.

But they they tact on minor things or worse that they do it start exaggerating or blowing up minor things into major things. It detracted from the convo, it give their enemies ammo to be like see she it lying or exaggerating about this so she is lying about everything it confuses the situation . It rallies the supports into a frenzy .

When you catch someone doing something bad focus on the facts , review your argument etc.