Submitted by DarthGabe2142 t3_z74f3p in jerseycity

I've been going to Journal Square for since I was about 5. My family mainly goes to Journal Square to get some food at Red Ribbon and the nearby Filipino food stores. We always go during the day but not at night.

Is Journal Square safe at night or is it best to avoid that part of town?



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kushNation141 t1_iy4o4u9 wrote

nothing wrong with the area, Typical urban space. Be smart use common sense and all will be good..


cmc t1_iy4qpy8 wrote

Like any other urban area- keep your wits about you. I live in McGinley Square and walk through Journal Sq at night multiple times a week (and I'm a woman). It's no different than when I lived in Brooklyn- don't be flashy, don't be buried in your phone, watch where you're going, and you'll be fine.


noncovidcough t1_iy5uqdm wrote

I think it’s a fair question. Pretty safe imo but I’ve lived in urban settings most of my life... also a woman here, if it helps.


JerseyCityNJ t1_iy4vut4 wrote

I see more crime in JSQ during daylight, so night should be fine.

Assaults, OD's, purse snatchings, shoplifting, harassment, etc. ALL happened while the sun was out. (not kidding!)

Even criminals gotta sleep, I suppose.


thebruns t1_iy5gj69 wrote

What exactly do you think happens at 6pm that is different from 4pm?


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iy6n8mp wrote

Journal Square is extremely unsafe. Just last week a Cheetah grabbed me by mistake while she was taking down a gazelle.