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DontBeEvil1 t1_ive5l2n wrote

"Alexander Hamilton and Change for Children have voted AGAINST raising education taxes."

Just to clarify for those who may not know, Hamilton is the only person on that slate of 3 who previously voted not to raise taxes.

"I work as a school teacher myself"

In New York. Not in Jersey City. So why are you telling Jersey City residents who to vote for using anecdotal stories from the NYC classroom, as if they have any relevance with the inner workings of the Jersey City Board of Education? 🤔

"Alexander Hamilton has a history of voting against increased taxes for the board of education and is agreeing to continue to do so."

Alexander Hamilton and his Change for Children slate have a history of being backed and funded by real estate developers. Real Estate developers have THEIR interests at heart, not the interests of the children.

Only 1 person on the current slate of 3 for Education Matters has previously voted to raise taxes, and she has stated that she reluctantly felt it was needed so the budget could be fully funded. It is also worth noting that when she was elected SHE TOO RAN ALONGSIDE ANTHONY HAMILTON ON THE CHANGE FOR CHILDREN SLATE. And both she and Hamilton were elected. The other 2 candidates running on Education Matters have NOT previously voted to raise taxes and they all too, believe in increased transparency, better allocation of funds and more creative ways to obtain funds to lessen the tax burden on property owners.

Why is a supposed NYC school teacher so adamant to get Jersey City residents to "Vote AGAINST "EDUCATION MATTERS?" Own property in JC and only concerned about bringing your tax bill down? Married to a real estate developer? Just sounds plain suspect. 🤔 And to vote for a real estate developer backed slate, with no substantive evidence that they will make any real change or even vote against future tax raises (remember the 1 person running on Education Matters, who voted on the fully funded budget that resulted in property tax raises ALSO ran on Change For Children, and then flipped after she was elected. 🤷

"They will keep raising your education taxes beyond control with no improvement to the school district."

You have zero evidence to support this claim, and they have already expressed disinterest in doing so.

VOTE FOR EDUCATION MATTERS, Independents or Change For Children...any slate or INDIVIDUALS you feel will best benefit the kids...not real estate developers and owners. And don't forget that you CAN pick and choose individuals from all 3 categories. You don't have to be stuck with an entire slate if you're not feeling all of them. Make up your own mind, from educated decisions, to help the children, not because someone with real estate and property tax interests is trying to sway you.

That is all.


SyndicalistCPA t1_ivf427g wrote

Thank you for a reasonable post. Really sick of the astroturphing. Maybe people should be more mad at the police budget.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivg4dvq wrote

The entire Public Safety budget, both police & fire, is less than the BOE budget increase. Follow the money!!!


SyndicalistCPA t1_ivg9xp5 wrote

Seeing the budget for Public Safety at 217M vs 15M for education according to PDF page 4:

Can you point out what you are looking at?


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_ivgawtl wrote

He is referring to the nearly $1billion budget the BOE approved compared to the public safety budget.