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assanza t1_iwwka2g wrote

Exactly, victimless crime, right? Just like stealing from CVS or whatever. /s


possums101 t1_iwwr77z wrote

Okay I’ll bite. Who’s the victim in fare evasion and shoplifting from CVS?


FloatingWeight t1_iwx3wcl wrote

The victim in those situations (aside from CVS and PA) would be the customers and tax payers who subsidize theft with higher costs. Not to mention have you been to a store where everything is locked up ? Shit is ass,

Do you really think CVS is eating the cost ? Or they just pass than on to customers, same with PA and tax payers


fltlsyko t1_iwx8i81 wrote

I mean, they DO have budgets allotted for dime outs, expired goods, damaged goods, and... stolen goods. It's called shrink, and it gets written off.


zmchiban t1_iwxcvfq wrote

The city has budget adjustment for waste, too. It’s called tax increases.


scubastefon t1_iwxph1r wrote

“Wtf man you have insurance, I don’t get why you’re so pissed that I burned your house down.”


tehbored t1_iwzn32h wrote

And those insurance rates go up if there are more thefts.


GioDesa t1_iwxa29j wrote

Have you not heard of all these drug stores closing down due to massive shoplifting? Its happening all over NYC and its becoming a problem in some areas because people no longer have access to a drug store close by.

Also, next time you need anything that costs more than $8 and you have to spend 5 minutes wandering around looking for a store manager to unlock it from the can thank shoplifters. Drug stores also raise prices to offset some of their shoplifting losses. Its not victimless. It impacts the rest of society negatively.


RemyDWD t1_iwz0y9u wrote

> Have you not heard of all these drug stores closing down due to massive shoplifting? Its happening all over NYC and its becoming a problem in some areas because people no longer have access to a drug store close by.

About that…

> In fact, the two reported Manhattan Rite Aid closures appear to be part of a nationwide downsizing. In December, Rite Aid said it would be closing 63 stores “to reduce costs, drive improved profitability, and ensure that we have a healthy foundation to grow from, with the right stores in the right locations, for the communities we serve and for our business.” Shoplifting was not a listed rationale. Asked about the Manhattan store closures — and whether shoplifting played any role — a Rite Aid spokesperson says only that that the decisions “are based on a variety of factors that retail businesses consider such as overarching business strategy, lease and rent considerations, local business conditions and viability, and store performance.” Again, no mention of shoplifting.


GioDesa t1_iwz1r9z wrote

Heres a Rite Aid article to the contrary.

Rite Aid CEO Heyward Donigan told analysts the company “experienced unexpected headwinds this quarter from front-end shrink, particularly in our New York urban stores.”

Donigan noted the company has begun “shrinking our footprint” in New York City as it proceeds with a plan to close dozens of less-profitable stores.

The company said a $5 million year-over-year increase in “shrink” – a term in the retail industry meaning losses related to theft, fraud or administrative errors – had cut into its profits*. Rite Aid’s chief retail officer Andre Persaud expanded on the point – stating* NYC-area losses from shoplifting had worsened despite the company’s efforts to improve “product protection.”


sutisuc t1_iwwtemd wrote

The notoriously beloved port authority and the corporation CVS. This sub loves the port authority and corporations right?


blehhhhblahhhh t1_iwxs0h4 wrote

You say shit like this but that type of attitude is what leads to becoming like San Fran. Cops won’t do shit til you steal over 1k


JonstheSquire t1_iwxmnh9 wrote

People don't like the Port Authority because of how shitty the PATH is, which is partially a function of fair evasion.


sutisuc t1_iwxsbjh wrote

How do you know the evasion is fair?


LateralEntry t1_iwyxrag wrote

All of us. We all have to pay more taxes and higher fares for maintenance because of people freeloading.


tehbored t1_iwzmyua wrote

The taxpayers of NY and NJ are the victims in the first example, and the owners and customers of the CVS corporations in the second.