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OtherBarry3 t1_ivrtcb9 wrote

Is the job no longer attractive once you factor in the car/parking costs? You're also talking about insurance, gas, maintenance, etc. That's the math you should be doing, if the job is still attractive after all that then you're free & clear to use the nearest garage.

Years back while I was in Manhattan I juggled with a job opportunity in Long Island & would have needed to buy/park a car for a reverse commute. But after doing the math it seemed more like a pay cut vs then current no-car-required job so I didn't go for it.

Just something to think about.

EDIT: If you're curious in the Van Vorst area most/all of the street parking is already taken by the time I get back home from work. Plus you're also going against all the work from home types that only need to move their car for street cleaning.. ironically you probably have an easier time with street parking if you're work from home.