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Wildwilly54 t1_iybbd9m wrote

What neighborhood has the worst tippers?


[deleted] OP t1_iybf7gt wrote

great, great question. i’d love to publicize this. lol.

liberty towers in downtown jc... 100 warren st… it’s mostly always a dollar tip.

all of river drive downtown jc, all the way up to park lane south / north…this 180 building (beach at newport) always the worst with tips.

all of the beacon buildings. 🗑️🚮 also impossible to find an apartment #

journal square’s a hit or miss.

west side and bergen-lafayette are also hit or miss but usually not worth the effort for the trip because there are no restaurants out there.

bayonne or anywhere near bayonne / ocean ave / garfield…never been never going lol i’d rather miss my bills than make a trip down there.


keepseeing444 t1_iybi91h wrote

Which buildings are best tippers?


[deleted] OP t1_iybt2zd wrote

all the brownstones in hamilton park and hoboken, they tend to tip more post-delivery if everything goes well always and i appreciate the flight of stairs every now and then, good cardio.

my people in the heights that i feel like don't get appreciated. they always tip well for the distance and they're very sweet folks.

i love delivering to the condos by mana contemporary, little india usually gives me a delivery back to downtown or hoboken

communipaw and bergen hill tip well on occasion. i've had customers offer me water in the summertime and have received cash tips

weehawken, right after the bridge (where i grew up) solid people with solid, considerable tips.

and obviously downtown JC. but the elevators KILL me on time.


Teenageboy69 t1_iycnxvg wrote

As an unappreciated heights guy, thank you for your service.


PescTank t1_iycs8w2 wrote

Ditto, this kind of good publicity is what we've been paying for! ;)


antp121 t1_iycvs5p wrote

Those tips are finally paying off !!


Positive_Crew3217 t1_iyeekcl wrote

Heights resident, always tip well. It is a luxury to have food delivered. ♡ appreciate you!


Kuaile t1_iyfd24m wrote

How much do they usually tip?


Wildwilly54 t1_iybfzvt wrote

Haha thanks. I lived in liberty towers for a very short time. I’m not shocked at all.


nolaughingzone t1_iycfg9g wrote

All this will go away if the app will just charge a set dollar number based on distance ($5, $10,$15,$20 etc) without any expectation of a tip. But of course that will make things too easy for everyone involved.


heeyyyyyy t1_iycncsa wrote

They already do charge by distance, the tip is extra and optional


nolaughingzone t1_iycr5sy wrote

Increase the fee and remove the option to even tip. Pay higher salaries to deliverers. Customer is also happy because there is no ambiguity. Everybody wins.


[deleted] OP t1_iyex43x wrote

it'd become too restrictive for the drivers. too many deactivations likely. or too low of a pay against the risk factors. nobody would do this job. lol

the apps would likely run out of money.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iydgjl5 wrote

The tip isn't optional, because riders can't make a living wage without it. Change that, and remove the tip entirely. Cash still exists, if you gotta.


heeyyyyyy t1_iydjb77 wrote

No gun to anybody’s head. Find another job ..oh wait, they got no skills.

I’m all for increasing wages but this tip nonsense and entitlement and guilting drives me up the wall. Tips have and always will, by definition, be optional.


SpicyMargarita143 t1_iyelxvy wrote

Dude, if you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford a luxury service. You aren’t entitled to someone else’s free labor. Go get take out if you can’t spend a few extra dollars on tip.


heeyyyyyy t1_iyeslic wrote

Absolutely, and I don't feel entitled to get the service (or "free labor" as you call it, which btw is $20 for a sandwich and bag of chips). Drivers have a choice, right? You see the total trip amount before accepting an order, don't accept it if your standards are too high and you don't need the money that bad. No pressure.


[deleted] OP t1_iyf49zc wrote

i sincerely should pick up your food or dine in lmaoooo cheers!


heeyyyyyy t1_iyf6ja2 wrote

Let me decide what I want to do :) Just as you can decide to only delivery orders above your tip threshold - I think that's fair.


throwaway89_89_aita t1_iybrhoe wrote

Most of the times, the drivers deliver at wrong apartment. Have seen this happen multiple times with multiple people. Maybe that’s the reason for not tipping?


[deleted] OP t1_iybtbze wrote

haha that's happened to me a few times when i first started. there's a lot of new drivers now that the word's out. the regent buildings were tricky for me.


squigsmusic t1_iybhmon wrote

Stay warm, sir. Thank you for your service!


keepseeing444 t1_iybi6bf wrote

Which local restaurants mistreat delivery workers? Which ones treat you with respect.


[deleted] OP t1_iybqqsf wrote

mostly all corporate fast food chains. this includes cava and chipotle and the bunch. they also treat and pay their workers terribly so, an ounce of decency and respect goes a very long way at these places on my end. most delivery drivers just show them their phones.


[deleted] OP t1_iybvop5 wrote

i usually have a laugh at all family-owned places btw. as long as you're chill and you show them respect. i wouldn't be making money without them!


throwaway248000 t1_iybbre2 wrote

Avg amount you make in a day ?


[deleted] OP t1_iybyeap wrote

my average currently for November is $34.42 an hour

don't believe the news 😉


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iyecrj7 wrote

Not bad man!


[deleted] OP t1_iyeuz82 wrote

take a look outside aha

imagine having to deliver food in these weather conditions. it definitely all comes at some mental cost. on the flip side, i could choose to take a break or take less orders. but at the cost of making less money.

and bad weather doesn't always guarantee good tips either. it may be busier or seem busier because faint-hearted cyclists choose to stay home when the weather's too rough.

you also need to consider the costs of brakes (every 2-3 weeks), flat tires, i had to get a rim replacement that cost me $270 this month.


snoopdawgg t1_iybjax9 wrote

I would like to know too. Like how much should I actually tip delivery workers so that it’s both a living wage for them and not spending 50 dollars on a couple sandwiches.


[deleted] OP t1_iybxkit wrote

the middle option on doordash is usually fine.

the more you tip on any of the apps, the faster and warmer your food arrives, no work arounds other than removing a little off the top if the trip didn't go as planned. (uber only)

for grubhub and doordash you could always not rate the driver then tell support your food took too long, they'll refund you an amount. i understand sometimes it's busier than usual and you don't want to burden your driver with a poor review so if you don't rate them, it likely won't affect them anyways.


ribasad t1_iybka18 wrote

Thanks so much for your work. I’m happy to see more/safer bike lanes open up


[deleted] OP t1_iybvuoc wrote

me too! let's make sure they stay clean folks =]


mickyrow42 t1_iybjoom wrote

what is your choice of transportation?

Which app bends you over the most?

what is the appeal of a job like this when it sounds like such a miserable grind, considering the overall market is favoring job seekers?


[deleted] OP t1_iybtn6h wrote

i use an ebike. cars + traffic + gas = no $ aha

they all find a way to bend you over lol it's a matter of how much you want to bend 🤣

my fiance will tell you i need a job ASAP. but i like the challenge, i solely rely on myself to work. i make my own schedule and choose which jobs or orders i want to pick up.


neine_tamslr t1_iybv1iq wrote

Does the app tell you how much you’ll make on certain deliveries?


TheObliviousPickle t1_iybf1dl wrote

What do you think of your local coworkers?


[deleted] OP t1_iybh8tp wrote

oh man. best of the best. haha i have no friends while i do this. i'm the outcasted american learning on youtube. lol


RainIsOnReddit t1_iybmn1g wrote

Can you tell me whats a good tip that you and coworkers would be satisfied with? I am a single person who tends to order in a lot and I always try to be mindful and tip well but worry sometimes if I'm off and not giving enough. Sometimes my orders don't cost very much and so the whole 18% thing doesnt always work out to a number I think is enough. Would love to know what you think is reasonable


[deleted] OP t1_iybnbgs wrote

if you're tipping 18% you're in the clear! thank you so much!

btw we're all private contractors, we aren't coworkers aha


ProfPeanuts t1_iybs4zv wrote

I was a pizza delivery guy before apps like Seamless existed, and an average tip was around $2.75 (most people tipped $2 - $3), and a good single tip was $5+. What are those numbers like these days?


[deleted] OP t1_iybtvfp wrote

hmm accounting inflation? aha

the apps work similarly to how you'd be paid to deliver. i'm pretty sure pizza delivery drivers are paid on the hour + tips. we're paid on travel/distance + tips.


fltlsyko t1_iydsjty wrote

I tip decent but my % is calculated as low because Uber bases on pre discount total + tax + fee, but I use a lot of discounts, it's the only time I can afford to order. Like, I will get $40 of food for less than $20, and tip $4. Wondering what y'all think of that?


[deleted] OP t1_iyevnle wrote

that's a decent tip imo. but always consider whether it's busy or not. because if it's busy you'll likely have to tip a bit more for reassurance. or click priority on dd or uber. just subtract priority from the total tip because all they do is give it to us to it delivered quicker.—i assume

again, best and fastest way to get your food is to tip higher or make a trip to the path station / light rail. no shame in picking up your own food!!


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iybjqk6 wrote

Thank you for your service. Which one is the best deal for you?


[deleted] OP t1_iybquzj wrote

and thank you for trusting us with your order! all apps have their pros and cons. whatever works for you, especially if you got that coupon. use it!


tigris_kn t1_iybcmwr wrote

What’s the average tips you get percentage-wise per order.


[deleted] OP t1_iybv6ax wrote

uber gives me the worst tips, but they 4x the base pay. so a 2 dollar tip looks like 6-7 dollars varying on the distance and whether i wanna pick it up or not lol.

doordash and gh has their base pay and tips down the middle. meaning if i pick up a 8 dollar order it's because maybe the base pay's 5 bucks because no one's picked it up yet, or the delivery's a further distance, or it's super busy (sunday) (friday) and the tip is likely 4 bucks.

overall the more you tip the faster you'll get your food there's no workaround because no one will pick it up unless it's worth the trip.


BenevolentCheese t1_iyd92wr wrote

It tells you the tip before you pick up the food?


[deleted] OP t1_iydch9t wrote

yes but doordash hides some of the tip until you complete the delivery they try to bait you into risking taking a shitty order


Inconvenient-MrKim t1_iydny4b wrote

I sometimes tip after the delivery so is that bad? Should I add everything beforehand?


Yin-Hei t1_iydqduc wrote

Seems so to incentive the pickup


[deleted] OP t1_iyevri1 wrote

it's better if you tip beforehand, so you'll get prioritized first.


[deleted] OP t1_iyevuss wrote

you could always retract your tip if service isn't met. (uber only) and i'd do it, and give them a bad rating if i were you. there's too many bad delivery drivers that are greedy.


hereinmygarageeeee t1_iycizgn wrote

How safe do you feel biking around jersey city? Any tips/places you avoid?


[deleted] OP t1_iyeymn5 wrote

i almost always get a flat tire whenever i travel to journal square or the heights.

i never feel completely safe on a bike, i always daydream of being hit by a car and flying into the air if i'm going fast and always assume drivers don't see me at all. it is very dangerous.

but the city has done a lot to make the streets bike friendly and i haven't had any serious incidents. (wearing a helmet helps my sanity)


aramova t1_iybe9dk wrote

What's up with "wrapping your order", driver circles the place in Hoboken twice, drives up to the heights for 35 minutes, down to Exchange, before finally heading back to Hoboken to pick up the order and Uber saying "Oops we're sorry your order is 75 minutes late", followed by cold soggy fries and microwaved burgers?

Like, really tough, what's up with that? If y'all ain't gonna be able to get the orders, why accept them?

[Edit] I always tip at least 20-30% which gets crazy when you order from Muteki Ramen and two bowls and an appetizer cost you $70. So don't give me any of that poor tipping nonsense. If the weather is crap, I worked as a bike messenger and throw out $40 bucks to the poor soul bringing stuff from Hoboken to Exchange. Those asshats on Wall never did that for their papers.


scubastefon t1_iybgvsj wrote

I can’t decide if this is a ranty complaint wrapped in a humble brag or a humble brag wrapped in a complaint. So many layers.


[deleted] OP t1_iybi2bd wrote

i'll get to this, lol heating up ani ramen rn


[deleted] OP t1_iybwzlz wrote

You have to be very experienced and disciplined to complete these kinds of orders.

it's called multistacking.

here's how it plays out, let's say i'm by shake shack and i get an order to go to exchange place, great, i accept.

then on another app, i get an order going to greene st... i accept. but ONLY if i know i'm going to be able to deliver to exchange place in a timely manner.

i've witnessed this mistake with my fiance one time we ordered shakes and notice the delivery driver dipping into the hieghts.

some delivery drivers get greedy and accept orders that aren't going in the same direction. then the experience suffers. that's why i say, you need to be very technical and experienced to do these kinds of orders. it's got to be the easiest way to get deactivated. it took me about 2 weeks to get a hang of it now that i know the different cities and streets by memory i could calculate the trip much quicker.

there's a lot of new drivers joining in now. i've noticed about everytime i order on uber eats there's a driver with about 100 deliveries under their belt. that's likely what happened with your soggy food.

that sounds terrible and it's happened to me. i hope you got your money back.


scubastefon t1_iydkkcw wrote

It shouldn’t be on the driver to decide which orders to pick to improve customer experience. They’re just being opportunists who are trying to maximize their own revenue within the rules of the platform. The app should be incorporating that into its decisions regarding order flow. I’m sure there are some cases where the drivers don’t even know where they are, they’re just following the arrow.


[deleted] OP t1_iyewoss wrote

believe me drivers are more clueless than you'd think. the other day a guy came to me about an order he "picked up" in diesal & duke and he didn't know how to unassign or open google maps.

it's horrific.


katscicluna t1_iyd8bsm wrote

Anyone expecting crispy fries on a delivery makes me laugh. Good luck with that.


creeky123 t1_iybgk2y wrote

Have you tried tipping?


bluescholar1 t1_iybly9s wrote

Yeah, after the service takes place. This whole thing of pre-tipping to get the right level of service is bizarro world.


[deleted] OP t1_iyf13kz wrote

i do recommend sticking to uber eats and i suggest putting the full amount or at least 70-80 percent of the tip before drop off. if not your food won't get picked up.

if you tipped well and service wasn't met, you could retract the tip and i recommend giving the drivers a bad rating, there's enough of them out here. show no mercy. you work hard for your $


Crypty t1_iybf3nd wrote

What is your favorite food to graze on?


fakeemailaddress420 t1_iycuzx0 wrote

How long have you been doing it? I burned out after about 8 months a couple years ago. Be safe out there.


[deleted] OP t1_iyez93r wrote

about a year. started in 2021. it was so much more busier then, with less drivers on the road. now that the peanut gallery's signed up (the average person) and it's not as busy anymore. i constantly run into people talking with each other at pick up about how they've just started and "it seems like everyone's doing it now" or "i don't accept anything lower than $6" maybe they'll come and go or maybe it's time to move on sooner than later.


el_leon_vago t1_iyda2tz wrote

Sometimes the app says my delivery person is on a bike and they pull up in a car. Is it just easier, as a deliverista, to list a bicycle rather than register your car? Or are they trying to get more tips since they're on a bike?

I've often had food delivered by someone else different than what the app shows. Is this an app glitch or are people gaming the system somehow?

Do any of these apps provide "onboarding" that explains rules/laws of the roads, best practices, etc?


[deleted] OP t1_iyf013q wrote

brief onboarding, really nothing detailed. it's a shame.

and drivers make themselves as cyclists for more earnings. i've switched to a car before and i haven't made as much money.

i work on dd as a car, but do this job with an ebike. dd doesn't really have a lucrative ebike option like uber eats has. i get around faster either way so it doesn't matter to me.


im_a_ghooost t1_iycqcdt wrote

I’ve been dying to know. How do orders from places in the mall (like Chick Fil A, Sarku) work? I avoid it because I imagine there’s no way for drivers to avoid the hassle of going to the food court, but I would like some CFA 😂


[deleted] OP t1_iyf211g wrote

oohhhh man

when i first started, i avoided going to the mall entirely. i only go to the mall if the total delivery is about 7-8 bucks going into hoboken dt jersey city or the hieghts. it also depends on the time of day / whether it's busy or not. you won't catch me in there on a weekend.

my gripe with the restaurants you mentioned is that they require you to confirm the order once they hand it off to you?!?!

as if they're assuming we're not going to complete the order or keep the food for ourselves. which obviously leads to a quick deactivation??! so?? i cuts our time in half to deliver.

the main problem with the mall is it takes about 5 minutes to arrive to the food court from the road. there and back. about a total of 10 min. that's if you don't have to wait on an order. so that's 5 minutes time taken from us to deliver your food.


im_a_ghooost t1_iyf9szs wrote

Oof my fears confirmed, thanks for answering! I’ll continue to avoid ordering from the mall but I wish the apps would just take the food court places off! And thanks for all you do :)


[deleted] OP t1_iyf25xb wrote

but don't feel guilty about ordering CFA. we do at home all the time. comes with gig.


Marybelle18 t1_iycu2bq wrote

How come delivery folks don’t seem to be using insulated bags/boxes when they’re on eBikes? Now that it’s cold I’m only ever getting frozen tacos because they’ve been swinging from handlebars for 20 minutes when it’s 40 degrees outside.


[deleted] OP t1_iyeznhi wrote

tell support. they'll likely recompensate you.

if you see your food wasn't delivered in a heat bag let them know and give the driver a bad rating. that's unacceptable and i've seen it more and more often.


No_East_3366 t1_iyd5co6 wrote

Do you ride your bike on the sidewalk? Some riders do and I was run over by one last year. Cost me a few weeks of recovery with the PT and few hundred dollars. Both rider and me ended on the floor but I never knew who he was.


[deleted] OP t1_iyf2ghh wrote

if you ever get struck by a cyclist get his info and call the police. cyclists shouldn't be on sidewalks. period. if he doesn't give you any info record his face with your phone. they give us all a bad rap


Lilmitten82 t1_iybs0yg wrote

I heard you can see your tip prior so your food won’t get picked up in a timely manner if it’s below 20 percent. True or false?


[deleted] OP t1_iybuk0a wrote

doordash does hidden tips, so i'll see an order for $6.75 and it turns out it's a $11 order. they do it to work out the cherry pickers.

but yes on grubhub and uber eats we see the full tip before pick up...and if it's not worth my time i won't accept the order.


Bill_WET t1_iyckxu9 wrote

Is there a preference on tipping in the app vs cash upon delivery? I do the latter after having one delivery person say the manager at the restaurant kept the app tips.

I always add a note in Grubhub that it’s a cash tip (20%+) but would it be better to split cash/app tip?


[deleted] OP t1_iyezgkw wrote

no no restaurants only get orders coming in on an ipad they do not keep tips. they lied to you.


Bill_WET t1_iyf7hal wrote

Good to know! Do you have a preference either way?


[deleted] OP t1_iyf99cz wrote

cash tips are nice because we wouldn't get taxed on it. also, it's a nice surprise.


PleasantSubject2759 t1_iydc5sn wrote

i always wondered as i see delivery drivers zipping around the city. what’s your total take home yearly doing this full time?


[deleted] OP t1_iyf0qhe wrote

i have my hourly on a thread if you scroll, i work full time


jcskunk t1_iydoifb wrote

As an often feared and misunderstood member of Jersey City, I am very curious: who gives you the hardest time in your work?


[deleted] OP t1_iyew5o2 wrote

low tippers in general. i decline about 90 percent of most of the orders i receive and i have to fiddle through my phone to cancel them because if not the apps consider you inactive and they'll log you off.


RogerBuoy t1_iydu9ca wrote

How do you plan to deliver in peak winter and during snow? Is food delivery shut during snowfall or only car delivery folks do it?


[deleted] OP t1_iyev5pq wrote

no we're not shut off, if the weather's too extreme, the apps don't let us go on the road. too much of a liability for them.


[deleted] OP t1_iyf3exj wrote

i've delivered in tropical storms lol nothing can stop the brigade.

we make the most money when it's crappy out.


[deleted] OP t1_iybdhiv wrote



[deleted] OP t1_iybh4qa wrote

i'm sorry this happens. i can't speak for all private contractors but i do my best to slow down, place my feet on the floor so people know i'm not going to speed up. i make eye contact and try to at least say hi so folks know i'm friendly.


DryTaker t1_iyby7q5 wrote

What are the worst buildings/areas to deliver to, and what are your favorites?


[deleted] OP t1_iyc83kj wrote

check the thread


DryTaker t1_iydj991 wrote

I meant from a parking and navigation perspective. But I guess at the end of the day tipping is all that matters. Makes sense


[deleted] OP t1_iyf0ch2 wrote

mostly dtown jersey city is the worst. the building's elevators are time killers. it takes me an extra 5-8 minutes to deliver food...or someone's moving in... all the elevators aren't operational in most buildings. there's only a few buildings that provide tables out for drivers to leave food and i'll accept lesser tip because it's so much quicker to move on to the next order.

oh and concierge can sometimes be petty at these buildings.


p5yth t1_iyc0xrp wrote

Be safe out there and thanks for all your help!


josh42042 t1_iycn086 wrote

what's an average tip, what's a good tip?


[deleted] OP t1_iyf36ml wrote

varies. usually, anything from 15-18 percent is good. anything above gets priority from me.


mousebunnyduck t1_iyfbs03 wrote

My apt is a walk up and a little confusing to find but i have very clear instructions and i always tip 15%+

Am i expecting too much to get food delivered to my door? I regularly find out that my food has been delivered to the wrong floor/wrong apt or just that the delivery driver has left it downstairs


heycanwediscuss t1_iyc32di wrote

Do you think there are more takeout or are people getting more groceries


[deleted] OP t1_iyc7ytm wrote

take out mostly. i think people refrain from ordering groceries on these platforms because most of the drivers don’t care for the orders or accept them.


matty_mo11 t1_iycnqdg wrote

I've mostly given up on ordering groceries through these platforms because the shoppers tend to skip 1/4 of the order and substitute another 5 items with something completely unrelated to the original product.


[deleted] OP t1_iyf2uku wrote

yeah i do groceries at home and i know how tight time could be so i always try to relieve anyone i've accepted a grocery order for. but the apps don't give us many options when shopping, we're binded by the amount you ordered for so it makes it harder for us to make substitutions.


Jape403 t1_iycjizq wrote

Have you tried delivering with Relay? I know some restaurants in JC use them


[deleted] OP t1_iyf34fm wrote

i signed up but they don't have an app in the app store, you have to download it from a website and i don't like the security risks likely involved. also, they pay hourly, sounds like less flexibility. maybe it'll help on a slow day idk. i'd rather go home and look for a better job lol


dorkishj t1_iyf0390 wrote

Please tell me you're not one of those who drive their ebikes on the sidewalk almost hitting pedestrians. I got hit last month and the guy cursed at me. How do you report that where it gets taken seriously. I'm still bruised from the incident.


[deleted] OP t1_iyf3qqq wrote

i responded to someone on a later thread. so sorry this happened. they should get fined out the ass or even imprisoned.

PSA record they're faces. get in contact with the police asap. they need to be made an example of.


Kuaile t1_iyfct5f wrote

What’s the approx average tip amount?


[deleted] OP t1_iye2my0 wrote



[deleted] OP t1_iyf3hpv wrote

maybe the birds will deliver your food idk wish you luck


mmmmyah t1_iybgz14 wrote

Why dont most delivery drivers on bikes obey simple traffic laws like red lights, stop signs and not riding on the sidewalk endangering pedestrians? How do we stop them from breaking the law?


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iybia68 wrote

We could have these people that we pay to enforce the law, and arrest folks they catch breaking it. It would be a novel concept, but any good idea has to start somewhere. We could call them city observation peeps or just COPs for short. We should try it!


[deleted] OP t1_iybm5u2 wrote

so this did happen already, in NY, what they did was ban electric bikes in the city for an amount of time and in the process, immigrant workers...people with no papers were having their $2,000 ebikes confiscated, even money taken from them. it was an absolute solution that didn't solve any problems, likely made them worse. i don't know if government could do anything other than hand out tickets to people that don't even speak english or know how to use google maps.

here's a good clip:


[deleted] OP t1_iybn51l wrote

if anything, we should have more requirements to be able to deliver food. service is what you're tipping for. they do not educate drivers in any way on hospitality.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iycx5sb wrote

Well if you speed in a car, they don't take your car away. So clearly their methods were flawed.

And yeah, clearly handing out tickets and then prosecuting those who didn't show up is the answer. Because not doing that only leads to lawless behavior.


mmmmyah t1_iybjtj9 wrote

Agreed but cops are afraid to go after bikers to prevent the city getting sued for liability lol you can't make this up


[deleted] OP t1_iybml5t wrote

ahh it seems like police don't want to deal with delivery drivers. i think they've handed out tickets by newark ave / grove st which i'm all for. there should be a place for pedestrians and cyclists to prevent injury or an outcry.


mmmmyah t1_iybnan4 wrote

I would like your perspective though - yes we can use a stick/cop but is there a carrot/incentive that may work too - it sounds like at least the delivery companies are partially to blame by rewarding delivery drivers who are just fast without checking if the rider obeyed the law. Would it help if lawmakers made all delivery companies register their delivery riders (bike plate) so that the general public and customers can log complaints with the delivery company directly as well when a bikers breaks the law? Alternately can the company require webcams on bikes with AI to detect traffic violations? On the rewards side can the drivers who obey all traffic laws have an automatic salary hike or lower unassignment probability score? Those are just some of my thoughts.. open to hear ideas from your perspective how we can get all delivery bike riders to obey the laws besides the cops.. thanks


[deleted] OP t1_iybqcgr wrote

i love where you took this.

i'm all for making all parties more accountable but at who's expense? i'd guess the driver's mostly. to add to the point you're making, this service was a necessity at a time when we couldn't step out of our's essential/front line work, aside from the big time saver, as cooking can be burdening and time-consuming.

as i commented on a later thread, these apps should have more eligibility requirements or at least a brick and mortar were we can commune and be a part of a or the community in understanding how the city operates as far as laws, good conduct, hospitality, etc. because it's all pretty vague rn. the issue arises when the level of accountability steers us from a private contracting gig to a w-2. in which i choose the latter.

i strongly believe making this work a w-2 would make it much worse and costly for all everyone.

this all gets complicated and costly it looks like.


mmmmyah t1_iybr4e5 wrote

Re: w2 - drivers should be given a choice of w-2 or not .. don't need one to train and follow the laws. .agreed on better training and requirements. And the companies should be held more accountable for those


[deleted] OP t1_iybua3s wrote

right i was regarding w-2 as like an hourly thanks for clairfying. i wanna get a body cam for myself asap though!!!!


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iybk2z5 wrote

They all need to be fired, starting with the Chief of Police.

We should hire a whole new department, with zero of the same humans.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iybbxbh wrote

Why do you drive really fast and always act like you're in a hurry and your life depends on it?


[deleted] OP t1_iybgxdb wrote

lol more like my livelihood depends on it. i'm timed on my drop offs and i could get deactivated if we aren't timely, but not at the expense of endangering my life or getting in the way of someone trying to cross the street.

i rush when i can, but try my best to be considerate to people and traffic. i love my city and my neighbors. communication is key. especially if i'm getting on a sidewalk about to enter a restaurant.

i'm also 1 man on a 60 pound bike, i'm like half pedestrian in some way. i eat red lights and stop signs when i know the coast is clear, BUT i always slow down to almost a full stop. no shame in j-walking right? 🤣

side note: the restaurants are not good with pick-up times. especially in the winter. i've waited upwards of 20 minutes for an order at a time. on top of that, they'll tell you it'll be 5 minutes. you start to lose patience after a while and you can get deactivated for unassigning too many orders if you don't want to wait too long.


needfulsalsa t1_iybj2ck wrote

I have a question about the time. A few drivers apologized for the delay because of traffic after finishing the delivery. I never mind it because I am familiar with the traffic and give good rating and tip. Is there a way customers can intervene and prevent the deactivation for the driver?


[deleted] OP t1_iybl8ij wrote

rating them well is the only way, the apps say they consider traffic times but the estimates i get on doordash DO NOT reflect that. grubhub's good with times, they usually give me 20 minutes between hoboken and jersey city. uber's a complete mystery. they intentionally keep information from us.


needfulsalsa t1_iycgegp wrote

I ditched Uber eats for other reasons. Kind of glad now.