Submitted by BarNBolos t3_z50smo in jerseycity

Hi all,

My cousin is going to be staying with me, and I wanted to make sure I can entertain. They have a disability, in a wheelchair.

Are there any specific places (restaurants, bars, etc), that are accessible?

Also, is there a disabled community here?




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vocabularylessons t1_ixve7ww wrote

Most bars/restaurants in the Newark Ave plaza are accessible, at least the ground floor. I don't think many of the buildings have elevators so you generally can't reach the rooftops or basements except by stairs.

Pet Shop is a great vibe.


BikingVikingNYC t1_ixwkhgn wrote

If the main entrance is level (i.e. doesn't have a step) then the ground floor will almost certainly be ADA compliant. Some elements will be grandfathered in, such as old front doors, but everything inside that had to be built when that restaurant/bar moved in (bar, bathroom, partitions) will need to be compliant, including bathrooms and turn radii. If the restaurant is over 30 years old then there's a good chance that most things will probably be grandfathered in and non-compliant.

(not an architect, just work with a bunch of them)

I second Pet Shop. I also like Porta, Mathew's, Wurstbar


neatlouisa t1_ixx28vn wrote

This is based on my experience with a stroller and not a wheel chair, but I think the following would be accessible: Pet shop, Roman nose, Frankie, Hudson hound, Lackawanna on Bay Street, south house, left bank, and Razza


oatmealparty t1_ixxzc8p wrote

If on the off chance you go to white eagle hall for a show, they do have elevators that can take you to all levels, but the elevator entrance is on the backside of the building iirc and is a bit of a gauntlet.