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chailatteproduction t1_iwgxnqa wrote

Ah it's been such a breeze to not have to squeeze onto the tight sidewalk when biking through that section! The drivers can suck it!! (from someone who drives up to hoboken weekly)


PM_ME_YOUR_NOODLEZZ t1_iwh33v0 wrote

Rode through last weekend, I have to say this is a significant improvement from using that tiny ass sidewalk. Well done.


jersey385 t1_iwgj5nq wrote

Have they announced an enforcement plan? To keep cars and trucks out of the bike lanes and keep cyclists and scooters off the sidewalks?


Haggis_the_dog t1_iwh9zo5 wrote

Went out for a ride on Sunday down Washington in Hoboken. Approx 10+ cars parked in tge designated bike lane - not including the 2x Police SUVs parked without emergency lights on (I have no issue with police parking where they need to when responding to a call - in this case, they were getting food). Stopped a police cruiser in the street, pointed out the plethora of potential citations he could give, and asked him about doing so. His response (paraphrased)

  1. Police need to prioritize what they respond to (sure, but he could call traffic/parking Police)
  2. was not a imminent safety issue (disagree)
  3. said he was responding to a call and didn't have time to address the parking when I pointed out that he had time to hold up traffic while talking to me

So, to answer your question about enforcement, looks like that department is not yet appropriately funded or prioritized.


fatporkchop2712 t1_iwio6wg wrote

He was right. I use WOTS (word on the street) app to report crap like that. It reports to the appropriate authorities without clogging 911 lines.


Blowmewhileiplaycod t1_iwjoorp wrote

It's mostly parking enforcement which is a separate thing in JC, wots app usually gets them there pretty quick


Rogue-Journalist t1_iwiv412 wrote

I just ride in the traffic lane in Hoboken and the cars can just fuck off behind me.

You use my lane, I use yours.