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malina118 t1_iwlstrs wrote


a_teletubby t1_iwm1txk wrote

Nah it's too subjective. For many, living in a new construction is indeed a luxury.


FloatingWeight t1_iwlt582 wrote

Wait till you see “Gourmet” deli or “Worlds best pizza” or etc etc


malina118 t1_iwlu90v wrote

Yeah, those things also annoy the shit out of me.


FloatingWeight t1_iwm0lny wrote

🤷‍♂️They’re just words, as long as we Build enough housing and the deli makes good sandwiches I don’t really care


malina118 t1_iwmxcy6 wrote

M'kay. So, what about when you buy a phone that's advertised as the latest iPhone...but they give you a Samsung from 10 years ago? Or if you order food advertised as a 100% beef burger but they give you a salad? A gemstone they say is AAA grade but is really commercial quality or below?

The accurate use of words is important, as is having standards or criteria needed to use those words in the advertisement.

Not dismissing we need more affordable housing, etc, but to call something 'luxury' that obviously isn't is just shady bad practice.


FloatingWeight t1_iwomdbr wrote

Nice false equivalency 🥱


malina118 t1_iwq9ot3 wrote

You don't know what a false equivalent is, do you? You poor thing. At this point I'm deeming you either a bored troll or a person with low IQ. Take your pick. Enjoy the day!


FloatingWeight t1_iwszy17 wrote

Lol okay, when you can’t argue so you resort to insults, nice

You’re comparing a subjective adjective to a straight lie of objective measures


malina118 t1_iwt4tsu wrote

Okie dokie.


FloatingWeight t1_iwuuuff wrote

🤦‍♂️ Sad that you think you won this argument , I could even break it down for you, but I doubt you Would be receptive

Nice earrings btw


malina118 t1_iwuvjvz wrote

The feeling is mutual, hence deciding to step back from the discussion.

Also, thanks!