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106th t1_iwk99ij wrote

I'll save you a click: For most of em, no - not really LOL


whybother5000 t1_iwkgpi7 wrote

“It's almost as if the word "luxury" has become permanently attached to the front of the word "apartments."”

Meta JC Reddit


jasonleeobrien t1_iwkj6ln wrote



joejoeaz t1_iwpsr40 wrote

I came here specifically to see YOUR comment. You've become the ambassador of LUXURY for Jersey City. These news 12 pigf**kers didn't even give you credit for YOUR story :).


objectimpermanence t1_iwl7xu4 wrote

Are sport utility vehicles (SUVs) actually sporty? Tune in tonight at 11 to find out!


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iwk29p0 wrote

LUXURY getting charged to get your mail


AugustWest7120 t1_iwk9875 wrote

I had it happen to some friends, then I read the same situation on Reddit. I knew it was only a matter of time until either a justice warrior influencer or nightly news fraud report brought these places down a peg.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iwlg61z wrote

It's because people don't stand up for themselves, they just pay, pay, pay, and put things on autopay even. Companies will take advantage of people, they have to stand up for themselves. I see less and less of this. It's no wonder why they're getting more and more bold.


cC2Panda t1_iwkx3az wrote

That site has a ton of actual scam links.


zjuka t1_iwl643y wrote

Uninspired and not particularly talented article writers gotta eat too


equityorasset t1_iwlxa9v wrote

I heard they spend all their money on amenities to it makes for good pictures. But then the actual building materials are the cheapest things possible.


el_barto_15 t1_iwod2kx wrote

Yeah, they’re called “5 over 1”, meaning 5 wood-framed floors over 1 concrete floor. Apparently they have poor insulation where noise travels through walls. In 20 years they’re all going to start falling apart from eventual leaks/rot.


ABrusca1105 t1_iwq713h wrote

It depends what era they were built in. If they use EIFS or regular building wrap, yes 100%. If they use ZIP and tape it properly or have fiberglass reinforced gypsum with like commercial buildings, then no.

I specifically chose this 5 over 1 because it was built the best as I watched it being built.

Also, modern codes mean today's buildings last WAYYYY longer. They don't make them like they used to and that's a good thing. So long as the inspector actually does their job and there aren't cheap finishes that will aesthetically fall apart or there are catastrophic leaks.


mathtech t1_iwl1l1b wrote

Boring dystopia


tanquamexplorator t1_iwmpjzq wrote

Point blank told by a broker that living "near downtown is an amenity." It was a 'luxury' apartment in the sense that some of the floors were intact.


Crypty t1_iwm61g7 wrote

I'll never consider it a luxury to share 4 walls, floor and ceiling with other folks, smelling their dinner in the hallways, and waiting for an elevator to go outside.

This is only luxury if you're moving out of a Manhattan walk-up where you cook in your bed room and your roommates were rats and roaches.


BeMadTV t1_iwlap5m wrote

I wonder if people want luxury, or just status/close proximity to things.


Dr3s99 t1_iwmabe4 wrote

Luxury is relative, is having a washer and drier in unit something normal? Hell nah, in NJ that surely can be cataloged as a luxury that is worth paying a bit more. The problem is all these places that offer the bare minimum and still call themselves luxury places.


krfactor t1_iwm8wxu wrote

Luxury is a word used to describe all new building as a way to discourage housing development. Either that or building regulations make it such that only luxury apartments are profitable to build


FloatingWeight t1_iwlcxw3 wrote

Luxury is just a marketing term, weird thing to get upset about


malina118 t1_iwlstrs wrote

A marketing term should at least be accurate.


a_teletubby t1_iwm1txk wrote

Nah it's too subjective. For many, living in a new construction is indeed a luxury.


FloatingWeight t1_iwlt582 wrote

Wait till you see “Gourmet” deli or “Worlds best pizza” or etc etc


malina118 t1_iwlu90v wrote

Yeah, those things also annoy the shit out of me.


FloatingWeight t1_iwm0lny wrote

🤷‍♂️They’re just words, as long as we Build enough housing and the deli makes good sandwiches I don’t really care


malina118 t1_iwmxcy6 wrote

M'kay. So, what about when you buy a phone that's advertised as the latest iPhone...but they give you a Samsung from 10 years ago? Or if you order food advertised as a 100% beef burger but they give you a salad? A gemstone they say is AAA grade but is really commercial quality or below?

The accurate use of words is important, as is having standards or criteria needed to use those words in the advertisement.

Not dismissing we need more affordable housing, etc, but to call something 'luxury' that obviously isn't is just shady bad practice.


FloatingWeight t1_iwomdbr wrote

Nice false equivalency 🥱


malina118 t1_iwq9ot3 wrote

You don't know what a false equivalent is, do you? You poor thing. At this point I'm deeming you either a bored troll or a person with low IQ. Take your pick. Enjoy the day!


FloatingWeight t1_iwszy17 wrote

Lol okay, when you can’t argue so you resort to insults, nice

You’re comparing a subjective adjective to a straight lie of objective measures


malina118 t1_iwt4tsu wrote

Okie dokie.


FloatingWeight t1_iwuuuff wrote

🤦‍♂️ Sad that you think you won this argument , I could even break it down for you, but I doubt you Would be receptive

Nice earrings btw


malina118 t1_iwuvjvz wrote

The feeling is mutual, hence deciding to step back from the discussion.

Also, thanks!