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ribasad t1_ixqktir wrote

Very very crazy. Don’t go


koreamax t1_ixr1pyc wrote

I'm staying at the hotel next store and was thinking of shopping by but maybe not..


whybother5000 t1_ixqme55 wrote

Only questions to ask:

  • Will mall Santa be there taking fight club bets?
  • Will the bangers be out looking for trouble in the food court?

kushNation141 t1_ixqpbz2 wrote

yes. 3 to 2 odds as of this morning....


and yes.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_ixqpqns wrote

Black Friday of the 2000’s is dead. It’s now spread over the month of November. Economy is also dragging things down this year. Retail sales aren’t looking hot.

That said, will still be busier than normal. I want no part in that.


twanzetters t1_ixqyrvp wrote

I was just there. Looked like a normal day for the most part.


BeMadTV t1_ixr9t56 wrote

I went to Walmart in Kearny and was online for maybe three minutes.


PICHICONCACA t1_ixr6f95 wrote

I have to go to target to pick up my prescription. I wonder if that’s place is mobbed. I doubt it right? Who knows anymore.


ItsNelRM t1_ixrbm92 wrote

It will get pretty busy after 4pm. But it's just like a regular Saturday. Great deals all around, no one is going crazy and stampeding. Leave that for Best Buy. Even still just an average weekend.


MediumRareBacon_ t1_ixqynho wrote

Probably very busy but i dont think it’ll be like before since Black Friday sales are month long online events now


Morkitu t1_ixs5qyj wrote

Yes, it was and is still crazy...just stopped by there a half hour ago. Manhattan is also a madhouse! If you can, wait until tomorrow.