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moobycow t1_iwqhe6t wrote

If JC didn't build these places, where do you expect the people who now live here would live instead? Development showed up because they were filling up brownstones in Paulus Hook and VVP. I mean look at the prices in The Heights, they haven't built any fancy highrises there.

If the country built enough houses in places people wanted to live we wouldn't have to worry about this crap. In the past, believe it or not, cities had room for both rich people and poor people. Then we passed a bunch of zoning reforms, stopped building and now the cities fill up with rich people and people blame the development. As if the people with $1m homes that used to house factory workers wouldn't be in something else if it existed.


Ilanaspax t1_iwr1co6 wrote

Again...if people wanted to live here so badly why would they need to offer abatements and make an entire campaign to encourage development 10 - 15 years ago? This was all planned.