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Nuplex t1_j1bnso4 wrote

You cannot look any earlier than 60 days, that's the general in-advance posting maximum for apartment listings in Jersey. You can start looking in June at the earliest for an August move-in. You can look in May to get an idea but nothing will be available for August that early. Since its a summer move-in its gonna be expensive and units disappear in hours. I don't know if any month is "cheaper" but probably looking in August is slightly better than in June.


fuzedz t1_j1f715l wrote

If inventory is high theyll let you sign earlier in my experience but yeah usually 60


Cuprunnethover2022 t1_j1c1f24 wrote

I'd say mid-June to July the earliest. Why do you want to start now? It seems so early.


bodhipooh t1_j1csbw2 wrote

>Why do you want to start now?

Because they are obviously inexperienced and don’t understand how leasing and the local market work.


EndoSN12 OP t1_j1enii9 wrote

Lol I haven't lived in JC before so I was worried about losing out 😭


bodhipooh t1_j1flysh wrote

We went to look at places 6 weeks ahead and various leasing agents told us we were looking too early. Basically, 30 days out, or less, is the time period when you should start to look.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j1c9vq2 wrote

Don't start looking before the month you're planning to move. The fact is it's a PITA to show an occupied apartment. It's done, I've done it, but it's a pain. Besides which most apartments need a bit of work between tenants, even if it's just a bit of scrubbing and touch up paint. So in reality there's a month for the landlord to rent the apartment between leases.

But a landlord who doesn't want to risk losing another month's rent is going to want a lease in hand by the second to third week of the month. And there is the game. A brief period of musical chairs with tenants and landlords trying to match.

No fun for either side but that's the way it is. When I'm listing an apartment and somebody asks me if they could move in the next month or the one after, I have to laugh. Why would I choose to lose a month or two rent unless they were the only applicant on Earth? I'm better off dropping the rent $100 to generate more leads than losing that month's rent.


Vegetable_River t1_j1e2d5w wrote

This is true. I was searching for so long (had the luxury of living with someone) so I was able to tske time. Looked at an apartment that had the tenant still in it. So much I did not see! I felt very uncomfortable being there while someone else's stuff was there so I just breezed thru. Lots I overlooked. Like there only being 1 window and it's in the bedroom. One radiator also in the bedroom. It's not worth it to look at an occupied apartment. I'll never do that again.


[deleted] t1_j1cg9hc wrote

I am looking now for May and they telling me I’m to early 🤣😂🤣 so you might as well tuck this worry in the back Of your mind and focus on saving more money because by next year you will be paying 2k minimum for a decent size 1 bedroom


Lostinlingo t1_j1g3ftn wrote

I moved from India this year and was looking for an apartment around September period too. One month is enough to figure out.


burlybroad t1_j1g3m74 wrote

LOL Don’t even think about looking until August, they won’t rent to you and you’ll wind up paying double rent where you’re at. That’s how it’ll be anywhere ya look. If you’re trying to have a roommate then I would try to start that search earlier