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Mindless-Budget9019 t1_iz72ybf wrote

Yes, teachers should be forced to reside in Jersey City as well.


da-evil-genius t1_iz7i1rb wrote

Ha what kind of home can a JC teacher afford to buy in JC? 😂


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iz7m5yb wrote

There's plenty of homes in JC comparable to what they be spending in the suburbs.


da-evil-genius t1_izecz4q wrote

On a teacher’s salary? Yeah, ok.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_izevqve wrote

Yes. There's a whole of of JC that's not Downtown, where a 2br can be had for under $2500. Do you really think they can live for less than that in the suburbs? The median JC teacher makes $95k.


da-evil-genius t1_izpjr1p wrote

JC teachers make 95k?! What kind of crazy report do you read? They start at 45-50k.

You cannot BUY a home in JC making that kind of money. Maybe a studio if you plan on never having a family.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_izrcesq wrote

Yes, my number is correct, but so is yours. The union set this up to reward seniority at the expense of new hires, then use the newcomers low income numbers as a cudgel to complain about how poorly paid they are!

Go to the State education website, they have income statistics on every public employee. You can actually burrow down and do the same calculation I did to see the median income. And I excluded admin.


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_iz7il2c wrote

I know right. Teachers’ salaries are so expensive they drive up property taxes. Someone should do something about that


elseworthtoohey t1_iz90iiu wrote

They don't want their kids to have to be educated in Jersey City's schools.


[deleted] t1_iz9gp76 wrote



Mindless-Budget9019 t1_iz9j9y3 wrote

We already have bozo the clown teaching our kids. Have you seen how terrible our kids do? We need teachers who are invested in the community and not just a paycheck.


Kigarta t1_iz8pnfg wrote

What if those teachers have children? Isn't that a conflict of interest? Teacher your own children? Your nieces and nephews? Favoritism?