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pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j2e8lks wrote

The city could ticket everyone who doesn’t clear the intersection when the lights change. Make it a real drag to drive through downtown.

That’s 100% in the city’s right. It would just harm Fulop reputation before he launches his governors campaign.


bodhipooh t1_j2eh0x8 wrote

They used to do this in years past! No one seems to remember that every year, right around the holidays, the JCPD would post a squad or two by the Grove St station along Marin and would pull over cars to ticket them as they made (what used to be) an illegal left turn onto Marin from Columbus. On years when the turn was not illegal, they would stop and ticket for blocking traffic / not clearing the intersection. As far as I can remember, I think the last time I saw that was back in 2019, maybe 2018. It was a trip to watch two or three cars get pulled over at once, told to go line up by what is now 90 Columbus, and then they would write them up, and do it all over again.

Yes, for sure the JCPD could do a much better job of discouraging aggressive and asshole drivers from terrorizing bothering local residents by not allowing them to run roughshod on local streets. Ask anyone, and they would tell you that drivers in town are insane. A lot of it is definitely out of towers commuting, or using local roads to reach the tunnel, or to get elsewhere. I truly despise driving in town, or even regionally, but sometimes you just have to do it. Enforcement of basic shit like running red lights, ignoring stop signs, people doing 40+ on narrow local roads, etc. can and should be addressed by the JCPD.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j2ekfwd wrote

Sometimes cars sit 2 lights in the middle of the intersection. You can ticket them each time for failure to clear the intersection.

It will piss some people off, but ultimately people will chill out driving because those fines aren’t worth it, especially when it doesn’t even get you to your destination faster.