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virginiarph OP t1_izg6tnw wrote

If your main goal is price... go for it! It is cheaper to live here than NYC. Please note that the cost of major cities (tampa, orlando and especially miami) have been rising constantly. You will no doubt spend less money. But as someone who has lived here their whole live... the heat gets to you. The constant need to drive to every single thing you want to do gets to you. Walkability doesn't exist. Nature is non-existant unless you count the beach. For the few naturey things that do exist, is it honestly too hot to enjoy whatsoever for 90% of the year.

If you're any sort of LGBTQIA+ person your rights are constantly under fire.


[deleted] t1_izgfi0z wrote



virginiarph OP t1_izghpuv wrote

No doubt Florida has it's beauty or else people wouldn't be moving here in droves. Everyone I meet is either from NYC, NJ, or Ohio. It sounds like you know what you're talking about (and oh god i would never be caught dead in sarasota lol...) just make sure you research EVERYTHING before you make a decision!

I work for a PBM doing adherence calls! flexible schedule, time off almost always approved. a little boring but it lets me be free, enjoy my nights and weekends, and most importantly travel to our hearts content!