Submitted by handuptv t3_zibxso in jerseycity

Just moved to JC and live in a luxury apartment building with 24/7 concierge. Is it customary to tip them around the holidays? If so, how much? I moved from a city where this wasn’t the norm. TIA



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HappyArtichoke7729 t1_izr44b4 wrote

Companies should pay their staff holiday bonuses. This tipflation is getting out of hand.


handuptv OP t1_izrzy9g wrote

I do agree…I was surprised to learn this is an expectation. Not to say that I don’t appreciate the concierges - I was already planning on baking them some cookies. They are amazing and seem to enjoy their jobs from what I can tell. It’s just a lot of cash, more than I gift my own family.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_izscnvi wrote

I personally would send a nice letter telling the company that it's your expectation that they give their staff holiday bonuses. And not tip. How much rent do you pay again? Exactly.


kushNation141 t1_izrrhv2 wrote

pay what you want or can. Dont have to pay all of them or any of them. Pay the ones you interface with or the ones that go above and beyond.

i used to pay $50 -75 across evenly each.


handuptv OP t1_izslfps wrote

Thanks! This is helpful. I’ll prob do $50-$75 for each concierge with whom who I interact


luxuryparking_ t1_izx0tap wrote

This, plus like 50ish for each of the teams I don’t see often (porters, maintenance). I try to give smaller bills for this, and hope they split with their discretion/seniority.


dpw59 t1_izxrhqf wrote

I live in downtown condo building and we give each staff member a separate holiday card with cash (typically $125 to super, $100 each to concierge, $25 to each porter with some adjustment for part-timers or those that just joined building).

For rental buildings, it’s more of a plus than a clear expectation. And $ amount lower than a condo building. Give if you can, and especially if you have a lot of interactions with staff (for instance if they’re receiving a ton of packages for you).

Giving a lump sum for an entire team feels like it leaves too much to discretion of the team lead. But can make sense if don’t have way to get everyone’s names.


ihatetictoc t1_izqukff wrote

I do 100 for the super. 100 for the porter. 100 for the head concierge.. 50 for each person they manage under them..


handuptv OP t1_izslkzt wrote

Wow that’s a lot but they definitely deserve it


Connect_Choice_3042 t1_izrytv1 wrote

A couple hundred each , tipping is your way of saying thank you before you need help ! They always remember those who tip above and beyond


nycdevil t1_iztnjq5 wrote

Other commenters are either full of shit or ignorant here. The basic rule for owners in a full-service building is tipping one month's maintenance split amongst the staff. Renters should take that rule of thumb and use that as their starting point.

A maintenance charge in a luxury full-service building in JC would be roughly $500-1000/mo, depending on apartment size and building quality, so take that $500-1000 number and adjust it accordingly based on how good the service is, what size apartment you have, whether any of the building staff went above and beyond in helping you over the year, and how much you use their services.