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HiveAthleticChris t1_j1zbrb3 wrote

We pride ourselves on being social and having great happy hours! We’d love to have you join us this winter!

We still have room in our Jersey City Volleyball or Hoboken Cornhole leagues.

Feel free to reach out with any questions!

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Hive Website


jjimenez323 t1_j1zl4yi wrote


What's with these crappy nets and half court set up? These roll out nets ain't it. That's what my family uses in their backyard.

No lines to show legal/illegal hits?

Cool logo but if I'm looking to play vball I would rather have a legit set up.


HiveAthleticChris t1_j20jviq wrote

Unfortunately our gyms don’t have in-ground systems… but if you scroll through the other pictures/videos I think you’ll see that our net setup has improved season over season and continues to get better - is it perfect? No. But we do our best with what’s available.

Zog does have access to gyms that have in-ground systems so if that’s important to you then I’d check them out!

If you’re looking to have fun and meet new people then I think we’re the best option… but I’m biased 😉