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The_Nomadic_Nerd OP t1_j1rsk1d wrote

Thanks. I think it may be a blockage in the pipe. Wondering if anybody has had a problem with pumps leading outside freezing after the rain and immediate temp drop we just experienced.

I disconnected the pipe and tried running the sump pump and it's pumping water, so I think the problem might be in the pipe or if there's an air lock.


rtadoyle t1_j1rycst wrote

Cool. So yeah, maybe some blockage. It sounds like you don't have any visibility to where the water exits though (under the sidewalk?), So may be a bit harder to fix. Can you run a snake/auger up the pipe and see if anything is lodged?


wasting_-my-_time t1_j1slu1p wrote

Freezing pipes is super common when they are shallow. My brother (not in JC) is on a slab just above grade. The first few years after he moved in he had a freezing problem. So yes, in this weather you can definitely have freezing issues.

You could snake the pipe to see, or try to trace it through your building and see if there are any exposed sections.