Submitted by dingo8yobb t3_zkeaxl in jerseycity

Update: Thank you all for the responses. One round of pest control has been completed. Landlord is looking into repairs to seal off additional “access points”. Appreciate everyone who took the time to share their thoughts:)

I have a mice infestation issue in my rental apartment. I have recently found mice droppings in different parts of the house and tried different remedies to repel the rodents without any effect.

I plan to raise this with the management company, however, I am unable to get pest control in the house due to allergy issues. I am not sure if they can provide any alternate solutions.

At this point, I would prefer to terminate the lease and move on. Do I have a basis for early termination? Or am I stuck here till the end of the lease?



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Brudesandwich t1_izz91wl wrote

Not terminate but from my understanding you can withhold rent if it has been a persistent issue. However, if you are not letting pest control come to your house for whatever reason then you have no ground to stand on because you are actively denying the "solution". I don't know what you're allergic to when it comes to pest as nothing that can be used for mice would cause an allergic reaction unless you come with direct contact which even then wouldn't do anything to you. Plus, any of the "repellents" rarely ever work. You're talking about an animal that can live in trash and is highly adaptable.

Unfortunately, this is going to go one of two ways. You let pest control do what needs to be done in your apartment or you continue living with the mice.


Nuplex t1_izzf51u wrote

If you are unwilling to let pest control in, then no. Unless you can provide clear medical documentation that you cannot be around any of the pesticides (or non-chemical situations, pest control also just puts out traps or blocks entryways).

If management for some reason was unwilling to give pest control, after repeated requests, then yes. As long as you serve them a final request via certified mail.


Kimberly_Engel t1_j0256xx wrote

I had a mouse problem and had an issue with them wanting to place sticky traps.

I took care of the problem myself.

I took steel wool to see every crack under my sink, behind my stove and behind my dishwasher. You just have to think how are they getting in.

Then I put out traps to catch them alive.

It took a couple of weeks to catch them ones stuck in my apartment but a year later I still am mouse free.


robin_tern t1_j04xu05 wrote

House mice are a distinct species to field mice, house mice live in buildings and structures close to humans. If you catch a house mouse and dump it outside somewhere it will die unless it can rapidly find another house to live in.



Kimberly_Engel t1_j083eqx wrote

Sorry but he will have to take his chances. I will not share my space.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_izz812h wrote

Even if you could terminate a lease for these reasons, I doubt you could do so without even giving the landlord a chance to correct the problem.

Otherwise anyone could toss mouse turds in their apartment and cancel their lease at-will.


70green t1_izziwq5 wrote

You need to build a case, just because you find droppings is not enough. You need to show the owner/ manager not responding or not trying to resolve the issue. This sounds more like you are trying to find a way out of your lease. Not allowing pest control in does bode well for your case.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j002x84 wrote

It's hard to imagine you're allergic to rodent baits, but are you allergic to snap traps too? How about being a little less high maintenance and helpless?

Yeah, sensitive subject. I just had a brand new tenant break their lease because the previous occupant was a slob and let mice get a foothold, but being a landlord who doesn't want an angry, high maintenance tenant around, I was happy to let them go. Cheap 1br available in HP folks! Mice have been vanquished, BYOC preferred. (Bring your own cat)


Ilanaspax t1_izzaao7 wrote

You should be asking your landlord to send someone to plug any holes/gaps in the wall w steel wool and then caulk. Poison/traps generally do nothing unless you’re extremely diligent and crafty with baiting and setting traps.


excaligirltoo t1_j00eyei wrote

That’s what pest control does.


Ilanaspax t1_j02gj07 wrote

Steel wool/caulking isn’t that complicated usually they can just have regular maintenance person do it for way less than calling pest control. In my experience pest control usually just sprays and/or leaves poison.


Hulk_Runs t1_j0sea7n wrote

They won’t fill holes. That’s an extra service.


Morkitu t1_j042zri wrote

Sorry you are having issues! A lot of older structures in JC have these issues.

As a short term solution, you can do the following...a bit of work, but worked for me.

Sprinkle spices around where they are likely to get in. I use pepper, crushed red pepper flakes, garlic...especially garlic powder. Mice tend to stay away from pungent spices.

Also there is a youtube video that you can use that plays a high pitched sound that repels mice, roaches (anything with acute hearing or antennae. This works when you are just sitting around and want peace without seeing them scamper by.

High Pitch Sound For Mice


dorkishj t1_j07tzyx wrote

I live in a high rise and had a leak in my kitchen. They tore the wall apart and taped it. After that I started hearing scratching at night. I put a glue trap out thinking I had a mouse but couldn't confirm and I caught it in the morning. I started finding little holes in my wall! I called the building manager and they got an exterminator and had maintenance patch up the walls. It's the buildings job to get rid of the issue but you have to work with them too.


robin_tern t1_j00jmkl wrote

Must be the cheese in the mousetraps making you allergic!



Hulk_Runs t1_j0sei5n wrote

A lot of pest control solutions don’t involve poison or bait such as sticky traps and filling holes. There are numerous kinds of poison and bait options that can be used.

Can you elaborate on your allergy?


FuzzyAd1627 t1_izzg8lj wrote

Is the apartment run by kernko Mangement by chance? I had issues with them last year and this same issue


dingo8yobb OP t1_izzz2qt wrote

No, it’s a different one. Hope you were able to find a solution.