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Morrigan-27 OP t1_j03z1h3 wrote

You know, it was a PSA for people to be mindful of their credit card receipts because so many of us are lax about checking statements. I’m starting to regret trying to help out my neighbors to remind them to take responsibility for their personal finances. Sheesh.

If you read my original post the reason I started taking photos was because it happened to me a few months ago when I had my signed duplicate receipt with the amount on it and my credit card emails me every transaction processed and there was a discrepancy. I didn’t want to make the post unreadably long so I left off the part where I didn’t have time to consider physically going back until a week later to talk to a manager and ask to see the physical copy because I was out of town. At that point it seemed like a lot of effort for $2 so I just never went back. Without the physical copy the restaurant has, and since it never occurred to me that someone would change a tip, I never thought to take photos before this incident. I have my word and what my card processed, but not irrefutable proof without the restaurant’s copy. I hope this makes sense.

The most recent incident was Sunday and my friend had extra tip added to her card. My card company is still processing the transaction. I do have a photo of my receipt processed by the same person two minutes later, so I’m watching it closely. But since she was not in the habit of taking photos like I do now she has to jump through hoops. If my card has the same issue since I have a photo, I would then be willing to name the place.

See how long that was? That’s why I posted the TL;DR in the original post.


PrincipleOfMoments t1_j086i2w wrote

You can be as condescending as you want in your replies to me and the others on this thread whom you deem to be so lacking in personal responsibility for our respective finances, but if you took a break from scolding us, you may realize that you have no one to blame but yourself.

Your original post says this happened to you "a couple of times" at "bars and restaurants in JC", and that "after the first time", you started taking photos.

Your ever-so-clever reply above, however, contradicts that. It seems to say, as best as my commoner brain can understand, that you never got a copy of the restaurant receipt the first time and 'the most recent incident" happened to your friend, not you (although you indicate you are waiting with baited breath for your credit card transaction email to come so you can find out if you have fallen victim to this nefarious, city-wide conspiracy for a second time).

So, you can't be sure you didn't mistakenly add $2 more on the receipt you left at the establishment the first time and you are unclear as to whether your friend has photographic (and thus "irrefutable") proof of the second incident that happened, as far as you are saying, only to her.

Ultimately, you lack not only irrefutable proof of these alleged multiple incidents, but any proof whatsoever of even one, let alone multiple, incidents.

Your TLDR would have been more accurate had it said: "One time a few weeks ago, I was at a bar and they charged my card $2 more in tips than I remember leaving, but I can't be sure so now I photograph both copies of the signed receipt so if it ever happens to me again, and I don't think the monetary amount is too small to make it worth my while to take action, I might do something about it."