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nycdevil t1_j06ycgq wrote

It's possible that previous recent months were estimated reads and this is an actual read.


lucke0204 t1_j073d7x wrote

This has happened to me too recently. My apartment was vacant for several months before we moved in, so the usage estimates were laughably low. The best option was to set up a repayment plan to spread the large sum across the next couple of bills.


restricteddata t1_j0euaqb wrote

Our place was unoccupied for like a year and so now PSE&G's estimates are all based on the idea that we use essentially zero electricity and gas per month. I've tried to post my own readings on their website (there is a place where you can do that) but they ignore them. My little "energy used" graph on their website is totally flat except for the one month they came and checked it, which is through the roof because it is multiple months rolled into one. So irritating!


ebastoria t1_j06wq2o wrote

My bill was $46. That said, I turned the heat on for probably 10 minutes the entire month.


_switch360_ t1_j06wrl7 wrote

Did you call PSEG versus running to Reddit and ask why?

I’m sure their phone number is on the bill! Try making a call it is fulfilling.


wasting_-my-_time t1_j06xhzp wrote

Reddit has better answers


upnflames t1_j06y9c3 wrote

Only if you are more interested in speculation and drama then actually solving a problem.


illgainedgoods t1_j06zqiu wrote

Reddit sometimes has solutions to make the call quicker though. I don't know about you but I hate being on hold, so when someone told me how to spot an estimate bill and what PSE&G needs to fix that made my call much quicker.


needfulsalsa t1_j074liu wrote

They take forever sometimes over phone.


_switch360_ t1_j07yw70 wrote

Or go online - look at account and compare usage and cost per kilowatt - it’s not hard. Could have been actual reset on equal pay or rate increase …

Either way pre Reddit lazy - people figured things out for themselves.


badquarter t1_j070m6h wrote

Random guess - is this your first winter in an apartment with an electric PTAC?


worldlybedouin t1_j07wmo8 wrote

Having to live with a PTAC for the past 10+ years, yeah, it sucks electricity.


Positive_Debate7048 t1_j07wuix wrote

People shit on ptacs but I have one that I run like all the time and I still only pay 60 at most per month. Good insulation is way more important than the method by which you heat or cool.


Complex_Difficulty t1_j07yscy wrote

Well, I'd argue the method still matters. PTACs heating with a reversed heat pump are going to be energy efficient. When the resistive heater turns on though, not so much.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j08t0qe wrote

Depends also on size. Heat transfer efficiency depends on surface area. In theory they can heat to below 0F outside…. If big enough. But many PTAC’s will stop at 40F due to their small size.


NJYagaYeet t1_j06xb06 wrote

Dude, mine is usually 30-60 dollars and this month it is somehow $600?!?!?!

Definitely going to call to find out what the hell is going on


mickyrow42 t1_j0726gq wrote

that definitely sounds like you haven't had actual meter readings for a while.


NJYagaYeet t1_j072en1 wrote

You are absolutely correct mickyrow42! They have not read the dam thing in 5 months. Just called PSEG and that’s the situation


EL_Prolifik t1_j07d794 wrote

They should give you a credit, I don't know if you have access to your meters, but I make a note of the dates the meters are due each month and upload the photos on the app. They definitely suck at estimating


fulanita_de_tal t1_j0a4dmv wrote

Mine has been $30-60 for 6 years though.


mickyrow42 t1_j0aca34 wrote

They wouldn’t let you go that long without a real reading, but that also sounds pretty sus. You must use nothing ?


fulanita_de_tal t1_j0be9qk wrote

No I’m being sincere! We’ve got a 1br with 2 of those PTAC units. Always running at a comfortable temperature and I never open windows. It’s typically $45 a month. In an extreme polar vortex month sometimes it’ll be $90 but that’s rare.


Ipoopforfreedom t1_j06y7rh wrote

It is most likely an estimate that PSEG came up with. They did that to me last summer and said my bill was $600. I called and mentioned my bill was abnormally high, and they said "oh yea that's just an estimate, your actual bill is $120". Beyond annoying, but definitely call.


Lwicked76 t1_j06y07a wrote

Mine went from $70 to $135. Looks like it was driven by a spike in gas usage for whatever reason...


jjvvllxx t1_j07hoam wrote

same usually mine is $40-60 but for some reason it's 150 this month


datatadata t1_j06zc52 wrote

$300 lol do you have the heat on all the time?


primmmslimmm t1_j07cu6i wrote

They could have read it wrong, get on the phone with them and read them the number from your meter. Had the same thing happen to me. They tried to charge me $400 when it was actually $50


Morkitu t1_j09ladt wrote

Check the heating/gas portion. If you have baseboard heating, the bill will skyrocket. Also, check to make sure that you don't have another company/carrier on your bill. Your energy supplier and carrier should be PSE&G. If there's any other name on the bill like a company you never heard of, someone switched your supplier.

There are companies that go door to door, or make calls to residents asking them to switch their service. They make it seem like they are from PSEG and trick customers into signing onto another energy carrier. These carriers can charge whatever they want per kilowat hour, and folks don't realize until they have been switched over.


BigdPSU t1_j06xg3o wrote

May be u also signed up for the green renewable energy initiatives. I concur with the jump this month, but not at the 10x rate u mentioned


joethedistance t1_j06y8cx wrote

Same. Are you signed up for the Equal Payment Plan? If so, it's your "true up" bill. From my bill last month:

"This is your true-up bill. On this bill, you have received a charge for the difference between what you've paid and what you actually used. Your Equal Payment Plan will restart next month."

Suffice to say that I will likely be opting out of the EPP going forward.


cvc5049 t1_j07m77d wrote

This happened to me over the summer. I had really low electric bills for a while ($40-$50) and I got a bill for $369 in July. It was due to “estimated” readings and then they finally did a reading. I contested it including sending meter pictures and they stood by the bill and I paid it. Really annoying.


ohnjaynb t1_j07ob3a wrote

Mine did. Usually they way underestimate when they're not reading my meter. This month it appears they way overestimated. You can read your own meter and check it against your account. If you want, you can update the reading yourself.


ribasad t1_j07pbxk wrote

Yes yes yes i had monthly bills of $60-90 (normal) but past few months ive seen $200, $300 etc. unsure what to do.


itsfleric t1_j07t0ly wrote

I’ve had great luck DMing them on Twitter when something similar happened. They fixed me up in 15 minutes after I resolved nothing on the phone with them for 2 hours.


MailenJokerbell t1_j088af9 wrote

You scared me so much, I went to see mine and it's actually the lowest bill I've had in a while. 63 for me


Mother-Dragonfly7595 t1_j089xxk wrote

Luckily we’ve been having almost consistent billings. I dare not call because I feel like we consume more because I work from home.


andychsiao t1_j08cr3y wrote

Same for me! Usually around $40 and it’s $100 this month


billieipp t1_j0a0qhb wrote

I actually got a credit his month, they read it every other, so I guess they over charged me before


faktastic t1_j0a0xq3 wrote

pretty normal if you’re in a high rise with floor to ceiling windows. Lower temp at night, raise shades in AM, keep doors closed, but yeah it’ll still be high


MrLurker698 t1_j0clgf7 wrote

Normal for the season if your heat is electric PTAC units. Mine went up about that. Get excited, it’ll about double again when it hits deep winter!


Hopai79 t1_j0mlxqk wrote

Mine is $200. Typically pay $100 monthly.


someguyfromnj t1_j072h00 wrote

NJ in general sucks for utilities. My buddy has a place in Orlando…AC is on 24/7, 2B/2B, they cook and wash/dry clothes daily. Three people. Total utilities is never more than $75 a month. Insane.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j07m7ws wrote

AC is cheaper than heating


fulanita_de_tal t1_j0a52li wrote

I grew up in Florida. Our electric bills were like $300 and my bill in JC has never been more than $90 even though I pay for my own heat.