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Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j1sgz12 wrote

She didn’t hit one with a car. The cyclist ran into her! Leave her alone. Stop verbally abusing women!


BookOfMormont t1_j1v0but wrote

That mean cyclist hit the front of her car with the side of his own body!


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j1v1b2n wrote

70 sexists and counting on Reddit identified. He ran a red light so he hit her. What is so hard to understand about that. Looking forward to coming on Reddit and seeing all the tears when she’s found not guilty.


BookOfMormont t1_j1xwrxo wrote

>He ran a red light so he hit her.

Uhh. . . what? His running a red light changed the physical trajectories of the relevant moving bodies? So because he broke the law, the fundamental laws of physics changes to suit?