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jerseyboiii t1_j1t4c5v wrote

She helped him to seek the medical care he never knew he needed


Supersize_You t1_j24irok wrote

Seriously, the only way this story can turn good is for the cyclist to discover some super early stage cancer thanks to the hit-and-run and recover swiftly.


HoneyWest007 t1_j1tchng wrote

The entire council and mayor are clowns. Awful bunch.


DifficultyNext7666 t1_j1tmns8 wrote

I keep seeing were ethnically diverse but were also super segregated.


BeMadTV t1_j1w0d3w wrote

No one ever reports the second half when we get that first "accolade".


FinalIntern8888 t1_j1zzvvh wrote

Such a good point that you’ll probably get downvoted for. It’s also blatantly obvious they only invest money into downtown.


thiskillstheredditor t1_j1szf1b wrote

Yeah, that cyclist blew a red light and slammed into her. Saying she hit him is straight up libelous.


kulgan t1_j1t4kl0 wrote

That's just flat untrue. The cyclist was definitely being an idiot and created the situation, but he was struck by the front of her car. If you ask me, any competent driver should have had time to at least start to apply the brakes. Then she fled the scene instead of stopping to render aid and call the police.


Iconospastic OP t1_j1u8pko wrote

She hit him, regardless of fault (which was mostly his). But I specifically included the word "after" (the collision) because the important thing is that she fled. Honestly I can't wait to hear her explanation in court -- God knows she's had much longer than the average felony suspect to think one up.


jaylen_browns_beard t1_j1ua66v wrote

No your just dumb, she definitely hit him. It might’ve been his fault but to say she didn’t hit him is a blatant lie


214ObstructedReverie t1_j1udehu wrote

His just dumb what?


jaylen_browns_beard t1_j1ul8d1 wrote

Sorry English isn’t my first language. Are you truly not able to piece together the meaning with context clues? It seems pretty obvious to me


214ObstructedReverie t1_j1uomxt wrote

You used "your" instead of "you're".

Not a good look to accuse people of being dumb while making basic grammar errors.


jaylen_browns_beard t1_j1uzf8p wrote

I understand my mistake. There is a difference between the ability to think critically and being aware of grammar syntax. I think my English was good enough for the average person to understand unless your reading comprehension level is below average (which is fine). You just seem like a whiny baby looking to nitpick any issue with the original message rather than what I actually said. My guess is that your also dumb. Let me know if you need help translating that


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j1sgz12 wrote

She didn’t hit one with a car. The cyclist ran into her! Leave her alone. Stop verbally abusing women!


BookOfMormont t1_j1v0but wrote

That mean cyclist hit the front of her car with the side of his own body!


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j1v1b2n wrote

70 sexists and counting on Reddit identified. He ran a red light so he hit her. What is so hard to understand about that. Looking forward to coming on Reddit and seeing all the tears when she’s found not guilty.


BookOfMormont t1_j1xwrxo wrote

>He ran a red light so he hit her.

Uhh. . . what? His running a red light changed the physical trajectories of the relevant moving bodies? So because he broke the law, the fundamental laws of physics changes to suit?