Submitted by VoxBorealis t3_zmvo9q in jerseycity

Hey there. What is the process to get a new key and lock for an apartment mailbox where the postman has one master key, but the individual boxes have their own key? Is this a locksmith or post office?




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possums101 t1_j0dkcuo wrote

Your landlord????


imaluckyduckie t1_j0dz19q wrote

I assume the OP owns an apartment in a shared townhouse / co-op or a condo building


VoxBorealis OP t1_j0efap7 wrote

Thank you do that correct assumption. I just don't know who does the work, or if the post office has any control. I myself am responsible for getting it done. I'm asking about process. Appreciate that!


imaluckyduckie t1_j0fje4y wrote

There should be 2 locks on the mailbox. One that the postal worker uses, and another which you (the resident) uses. There's no special process to change the resident lock. You can do it yourself, or hire a locksmith. If you need to change the lock the postal worker uses, then you just need to make sure you use a USPS STD-4C compliant lock, and your letter carrier will be able to open it


0730x t1_j0f5sm0 wrote

Buy the lock from a hardware store it’s less than $10. Easy to change yourself.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j0drdi1 wrote

Your landlord should handle this. But if it's like mine and you still actually have the key but just want to re-key( because...what, a sketchy roommate?) It's super easy to do with the door open, hardly any tools required. If you lost the key however you're going to have to have the mailman leave it open, landlord does not have that key.


cr4z3d t1_j0er6sk wrote

Locksmith, I've used Monaco to do this in the past.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j0he4lk wrote

Once more, did you lose the key or do you want to just change it? Big difference in process.