Submitted by All_dogs_R_puppies t3_zwt2ps in jerseycity

Hello, I’m visiting my friend over the next 2 days in Jersey City. We went and got 2 scratch off parking passes and they simply told my friend that they are good for 24 hours. When does that 24hours end? Do I have to get u at midnight and go put the second one up? The area I’m parking in is regulated and you need a pass at all hours, or are only allowed to park for 4 hours at a time. Thanks



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scubastefon t1_j1wmwsf wrote

It’s not for 24 hrs, it’s for the day you scratch off. So if you scratch at 2am, it’s good for 22 hrs. At 3pm, it’s good for nine hours.


All_dogs_R_puppies OP t1_j1wq36r wrote

So basically I have to get up at midnight to put the second pass up. I can’t just wake up at 7 or 8 and place the second pass, correct?


ffejie t1_j1wqok6 wrote

You could probably put both in your window at night and not have to switch them at midnight.


scubastefon t1_j1wriw2 wrote

No you can, I do t think they start looking until 9am or so.


WarrenBuffetsDriver t1_j1x097n wrote

Guest passes for what? There's no street cleaning or zoned parking this entire week.


mstock_ t1_j22mipv wrote

I’ve never even heard of this?? Where do you get the pass? How much is it? Would be helpful if I need to leave my car there overnight!


All_dogs_R_puppies OP t1_j26phc9 wrote

There’s a place on center ave that we went to, it’s 5 bucks a day. You would have to ask about overnight.