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romanpieces t1_j0uikki wrote

> Opponents argue that widening the turnpike will only invite additional traffic, worsening backups and the idling of vehicles on the approach to the Holland Tunnel, which is not being expanded.

Well there's your answer


moobycow t1_j0v3mch wrote

It's kind of a problem that the TPK gets paid by the amount of traffic it generates.


nk1 t1_j0vxlmo wrote

Yeah I’m not sure what all this harping on the environment is. Yes, that’s incredibly important but the better sell to everyone is “this is a project with no consideration for the real bottleneck”. No matter how left or right you are, one can agree that the tunnel is the issue. Not the approaching road.


Accomplished_Day2991 t1_j0xebf0 wrote

Right like let’s just postpone the bottleneck to Marin. That will fix it bc there isn’t one there, or at the entrance to the tunnel nope no bottle neck there. This sounds like a great fix. Just push the bottleneck back 5 min for 10.7 BILLION.