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Jazzlike_Drawer7174 t1_j6osrq0 wrote

Looks like a beautiful campus. Will improve that neighborhood


Downtown-Prompt-6499 t1_j6okyhd wrote

This charter school will be funded with Jersey City BOE funds…and will surely put the budget over $1B


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j6olye9 wrote

For the amount of money JC spends on education, most of our graduates should be doctors, lawyers or engineers.


AryehCW t1_j6pfzn1 wrote

Those jobs actually require a college degree and often post-secondary graduate education.


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j6oj80h wrote

We have way too many schools already. They should spend money on fixing current schools instead.


Brudesandwich t1_j6oo7n2 wrote

You do realize that most, if not all, the schools are at capacity or near it


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j6oos5g wrote

The BOE budget is already over capacity. Don’t have enough taxes to support a new school. Sorry. Parents should think about moving.
