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VantageQuest t1_j6oegis wrote

It would be amazing if many of the crosswalks downtown in residential areas were raised. Better yet, raise the whole intersection. Slows traffic through the intersection like a speed hump.


mikevago t1_j6nl1nw wrote

Innocent question: why are they called "speed humps" in Jersey City and "speed bumps" everywhere else in the country? Speed hump is what my dog does when he gets excited. It never doesn't strike me as an odd choice.


jakkyskum t1_j6nmc62 wrote

A sped hump is smaller in height but wider and are best driven over at 10-15mph. A speed bump is taller and much skinnier and best driven over at 2-10mph


PsychologicalAd1153 OP t1_j6nt8mw wrote

Every dynamic duo on television and movies are described this way.

Jerry and George, for example. Elder Price and Elder Cunningham from The Book of Mormon. Who else?


aa043 t1_j6nlhkj wrote

JC should put them every ten feet on route 139. (its a joke!)

Who can issue tickets on this small 139 part which cuts the Heights from the rest of JC?

ID excessive speeders and red light violations with public fines.


The_Nomadic_Nerd t1_j6nac99 wrote

I'm going to request one on every 200 feet of Columbus Drive.


FelixTaran t1_j6nbarn wrote

Everyone request one on Columbus between a different block. Teamwork!


spypol t1_j6o27l6 wrote

And roundabouts at every corner with huge stop signs, I'll never drop that idea.


Knobbies4Ever t1_j6nh9qh wrote

This is great! Thanks for sharing.


NYRangers42 t1_j6o2zka wrote

Just put in requests for the Turnpike Extension, Tonnelle Circle, and the Pulaski


isntnull t1_j6pc0vq wrote

For those in The Heights, would you agree that we need many of these on Central Ave by Pershing Field? I would strongly agree.


ShameyDeGise t1_j6okppb wrote

Speed hump? Who needs one of those when there is a plethora of cyclists and pedestrians to run over out there?


GoodTofuFriday t1_j6pasq3 wrote

Please do not make like union city who put LITERALLY 2~3 speed humps per block down Summit Ave, making it basically worthless to drive down the street.


isntnull t1_j6pd8g6 wrote

This is exactly what is needed when drivers don't respect speed limits and don't care about the safety of others.


AverageCar t1_j6pectn wrote

No please don't a better idea would be more stop signs, but not this.
