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Rodion7 t1_j2lg203 wrote

Where are the police? How are they not enforcing such obvious violations? They can simply block off all the roads and gets these clowns out of here...


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j2lrpiz wrote

If the police won't do anything a few of us should take matters into our own hands. Dump out a few buckets of nails in the street, see how they like that.


gearheadsub92 t1_j2lwd0j wrote

Honestly I’d like to see how the police like that. They’re not going to do shit no matter how many people call, so they’ll be driving over those nails in the morning too, and when they ask someone what happened last night that they’re all blowing their tires out, someone might finally piss them off enough to do something.