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Blizz36 t1_j2lfn5p wrote

Yeah they’re driving south down Marin on both sides of the road, obnoxious as hell


eteich1100 OP t1_j2lfy6r wrote

It's been going on for a solid 10 minutes now with people driving down Jersey on the wrong side of the road right by the hospital


Rodion7 t1_j2lg203 wrote

Where are the police? How are they not enforcing such obvious violations? They can simply block off all the roads and gets these clowns out of here...


aramova t1_j2lger9 wrote

Police just kicked them out of the Target parking lot according to radio chatter. Number of loud showboaters also reported in Hoboken an hour ago.

Likely some social media organized event for guys who want their cars to sound like bikes.

Best way to keep up with these events is getting into the RTLSDR scene. Feed a scan into Google speech to text for transcription and search for anything mentioned in unencrypted government radio chatter.


eteich1100 OP t1_j2lgnwn wrote

Seems like it's over now (at least here)?


donkeyspit007 t1_j2lgy4j wrote

They were just here going down fricken loud and annoying. They did at least two loops of my block before disappearing. We're they Porsches?


Kfperin t1_j2ljuly wrote

Sounds like the small pp convention is back in town


SadMaverick t1_j2lleqz wrote

I was driving down Washington blvd, the aholes blocked the entire street. Broke a dozen laws and basically didn’t follow any of the traffic signals. It was honestly scary, especially with the amount of cars in that group.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j2lruvd wrote

Police need to declare these things unlawful gatherings (they literally are breaking the law in multiple ways). That would open up the options on how to get rid of them, instead of just kicking them out, in which case they're obviously going to go somewhere else.


gearheadsub92 t1_j2lw3r7 wrote

According to r/sanjose, police elsewhere have done just this. I’m pretty confident I saw a post in the last four months that talked about something like 800 arrests made for taking part in an “unlawful road show” - I just wish it weren’t such a laughable idea for JCPD to process 800 arrests in a single night 😂😭


gearheadsub92 t1_j2lwd0j wrote

Honestly I’d like to see how the police like that. They’re not going to do shit no matter how many people call, so they’ll be driving over those nails in the morning too, and when they ask someone what happened last night that they’re all blowing their tires out, someone might finally piss them off enough to do something.


scubastefon t1_j2mfdr2 wrote

The issue here is straight up logistics. This town doesn’t have enough tow trucks to get rid of one car from a driveway without hours of notice. There’s no way they can manage dealing with dozens of cars in a parking lot. And the owner of the parking lot wouldn’t be alright with a bunch of booted cars on their property. I bet JC doesn’t even own enough boots to handle it.

In general, this town has what it needs to deal with what happens 95% of the time. That’s why we’re all annoyed by 5% of the things that happen.


AryehCW t1_j2movw7 wrote

They paraded down Communipaw after midnight as well.


tune345 t1_j2n91f0 wrote

Are you all 70+ plus or what. Fuckers don't know how to celebrate new year or what. Am far in the mountain, quite as hell in New years but how long was this? Your old ears can't handle it or what....pshh... you all must be very fun at parties


scubastefon t1_j2nb7uy wrote

I don’t think there’s enough private for a surge op like this what I was getting at.

Also a little off topic, but I’m curious if someone ever told Paramount that there is a company called Top Gun Towing who is trading off one of their brands. I mean someone must have been super pissed about getting towed and then taken it to that extreme, right?


markbass69420 t1_j2nc0ll wrote

The podcast The War on Cars did a couple episodes of actual investigative journalism about one of these kinds of scenes in Brooklyn. The cops showed up to break up one of the gatherings, everyone slowly drove away, and when the host asked the cops why they aren't ticketing or arresting or anything, they said it's because they're not actually doing anything dangerous or illegal. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad tbh.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j2nctbp wrote

There’s a lot of private towing out there. A lot. It’s sometimes predatory.

I think Top Gun as a trademark would only matter if there’s confusion. A movie and a towing company are pretty far apart. Not to mention Top Gun is at least partially a real thing.

So at least as I understand it, they wouldn’t have a claim unless they could prove some kind of confusion…. Reusing character images maybe.


littleindian25 t1_j2njpq6 wrote

I used to live in JC and now in Nutley. Literally the same thing happened in the shop n stop parking lot in Clifton commons at 1 am.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j2o5ik4 wrote

I guess the argument is if they’re the movies wings or military which the movie also reused.

At least that’s how I interpret the law.

There’s a “big apple ____” for pretty much anything too. Seems to work under the same pretense.


HudsonRiverMonster t1_j2o88xs wrote

“Why won’t these annoying drivers just stay in their designated car lanes and follow the rules? They’re so loud and disruptive with their loud engines hogging up the roads. We need the cops to hand out more tickets, that will certainly solve the problem.”

If this sounds stupid now, it’s no different when the Boomers get on their shit at the neighborhood association and city council meetings to suck car culture cock.
