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dorkishj t1_j2prux9 wrote

Reply to comment by gigiwasabi_jc in Christ Hospital Review by ak2592

It was almost 2 years ago. Will be 2 years in march since the incident happened. He was severely constipated. Like 30bs of brick. The reason I took him in was because he was lethargic pale and had coca cola colored urine. We knew he was constipated as he's been seeing a specialist for over 4 years for his bowel issues. He screamed "no enema" when he came to finally and they treated me like complete crap, drug tested him, and then gave me an enema to go home with. I took him to christ right after that. And christ hospital doctor pulled a large plug of poop out with her fingers. The next day cpa came and aaod medical center called because my son was afraid of enemas. They dismissed my case after I released medical records and they asked him embarrassing questions. After that I had to take him to medical center again as his sugar plummeted again and ye was vomiting what appeared to be poop. They said they didn't have the means to care for him and called an ambulance to take us to Newark Beth Isreal. Where they put an NG tube and cleared him out. Medical Center is not equipped to handle children. The doctor wasn't even reading the labs correctly as she was going off of adult normals. I will never trust them again with my son.


gigiwasabi_jc t1_j2q2cmo wrote

My god, I’m sorry again. I’m glad you were able to get him the care he needed in the end.