Submitted by ak2592 t3_101i48w in jerseycity

Hello everyone. Can you please share your experience or feedback at this hospital? my employer provided insurance only includes this hospital in Jersey City area. I’m looking for my infant and if I need to buy a different insurance from the marketplace for better coverage.



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mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_j2o1xbh wrote

its not the best. Ive never heard of insurance that only covers one hospital though.


Ainsel72l t1_j2o5pc3 wrote

Personally, not my hospital of choice.


madaser123 t1_j2od334 wrote

I worked there. Don't use this hospital. Go to jersey city medical center. No peds and minimal if any remaining ob


mad_dog_94 t1_j2okvtb wrote

ive never had a bad experience there. better than jcmc imho


FalseDemitri t1_j2p0ljo wrote

Do not go to a medical facility named after someone who died of exposure after three days of untreated wounds.


No-Practice-8038 t1_j2pbb6v wrote

I would go to Englewood or Hackensack but my primary care doctor is a gem and based out of Christ hospital. And to be fair they were recently taken over by Engelwood....and they seem to be trying to make it better. The previous owners were venture capital vultures who saddled it with debt while charging consulting fees to the hospital but controlled those very companies.


evm2103 t1_j2pc3if wrote

I realized that it’s better to go to Manhattan if you need emergency services than in JC, Hoboken, or Bayonne if you can.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j2peh4i wrote

The whole Carepoint thing is a horrorshow but there's good doctors and other caregivers in the system. But to a large extent these hospitals exist to get Medicaid dollars from people who don't have many options. Most of the non-emergent patients to Hoboken Hospital come from poor North Hudson areas.


MailenJokerbell t1_j2phnxc wrote

I almost died and they patched me up so I can't say anything bad lol


dorkishj t1_j2ple7u wrote

I have mixed feelings.

Jersey City Medical Center wouldn't help my son with his severe issue. We went to christ after rhe the doctor went in manually and fixed his issue foe the time being. She did the dirty work that JCMC wouldn't do.

Now I've had three relatives go to christ and die. One passed away when she didn't have to. The hospital failed to check her liver enzymes. The hospital itself is dirty but some of the doctors and nurses are amazing. And some are ehh..

Same with most hospitals. My advice? Go to Englewood or Hackensack.


gigiwasabi_jc t1_j2pqabq wrote

Agree with Englewood or Hackensack, in general. Specifically have taken my child to pediatric specialists at Hackensack and had good experience.

I’m so sorry this happened with your son. It’s a horrible feeling to have doubts or not be able to trust someone treating your child. (Been there.) Was wondering when this happened? Only because people have been saying JCMC has gotten “better”, so I was wondering if this was recent.


dorkishj t1_j2prux9 wrote

It was almost 2 years ago. Will be 2 years in march since the incident happened. He was severely constipated. Like 30bs of brick. The reason I took him in was because he was lethargic pale and had coca cola colored urine. We knew he was constipated as he's been seeing a specialist for over 4 years for his bowel issues. He screamed "no enema" when he came to finally and they treated me like complete crap, drug tested him, and then gave me an enema to go home with. I took him to christ right after that. And christ hospital doctor pulled a large plug of poop out with her fingers. The next day cpa came and aaod medical center called because my son was afraid of enemas. They dismissed my case after I released medical records and they asked him embarrassing questions. After that I had to take him to medical center again as his sugar plummeted again and ye was vomiting what appeared to be poop. They said they didn't have the means to care for him and called an ambulance to take us to Newark Beth Isreal. Where they put an NG tube and cleared him out. Medical Center is not equipped to handle children. The doctor wasn't even reading the labs correctly as she was going off of adult normals. I will never trust them again with my son.


The_GreatGonzy t1_j2pwlst wrote

They will literally kill your loved ones. F that. I’d rather go to Hackensack


Lowkeylowthreadcount t1_j2pxnjw wrote

My friend got charged 10k for going to Christ hospital thinking he needed stitches. They ended up just cleaning the wound and sending him home. Got a bill for 10k, would avoid at all costs


Javesther t1_j2qas0o wrote

An emergency room is an emergency room. There will be qualified doctors and nurses there . Find a good primary doctor for your child that’s covered under your insurance . Do your research and work with what you got.


kulgan t1_j2r6qa2 wrote

I had a pretty major medical issue maybe fifteen years ago. I went to a Dr who works out of there, and when he got the test results back he called me and told me to go to the emergency room. He danced around it but was telling me to go anywhere but that place. So, that's my major impression, people who are affiliated with it say not to go there.


ak2592 OP t1_j2yd9x3 wrote

Thank you everyone for the valuable feedbacks.