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Jahooodie t1_j5a9t3q wrote

I got downvotes and claims saying I didn’t care about the children.

I do care about the children, we spend far too much to have this bad of outcomes with such little oversight. Controversial I know


moonlitway OP t1_j5ap7dr wrote

I feel you. I value education too but the results are so poor after this much spending. Demanding accountability and transparency on how the money is spent is a very fair ask.


G_Funk_Error t1_j5ak53v wrote

The gall you have to demand we spend smartly! I’m aghast!!!


Jahooodie t1_j5b1rm9 wrote

Hey this is Hudson county after all, maybe I just need to adjust to the local culture better. How long until I get to double dip pensions with no show consultant jobs?