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bodhipooh t1_j5gv634 wrote

>Those are the newest figures as released by the state that google showed to me, as the post was made in 2022. You're WELCOME to post actual data from FY22 from the state that contradicts it. Go for it.

You have just proved that you are intellectually dishonest if you think that data about our local BOE can only be considered if made available through a state website. The JC BOE budget is public knowledge. That you can't wrap your mind (or accept the fact) that the budget is just shy of 1 BILLION DOLLARS (973 MM to be precise, something that is public knowledge and widely reported all over) and that we only have ~30,000 students is a you problem. Those figures are fact.


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j5ibjy9 wrote

Hoss, I've said this three times now, it doesn't mean a fucking thing that it's $33k/per. That puts JC as 36th/44th in the state, depending on whether or not you include special districts.

Your entire premise (JeRsEy CiTy PaYs MoRe ThAn AnYwHeRe ElSe) is bullshit.