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Cuprunnethover2022 t1_j2rnn74 wrote

I took a friend into the JCMC ER last year, and they took my name and number and info just as an emergency contact. Six weeks later I got a bill (no itemization) for 11K for ER treatment for ME. MIND YOU all I did was sit in the chair next to the hospital bed and try to keep my friend cheerful. I hired a lawyer and the bill went away, but NEVER EVER give your info in that ER. The attorney charged me $2,200 to clear it up. I'm still infuriated.


No_ID_Left_4_Me t1_j2sakuo wrote

I think we found a winner… ha. That’s nuts, I honestly don’t understand how that isn’t illegal. If I messed up billing one of my clients at work that bad even once I’d be fired by the end of the day. I cannot comprehend how this doesn’t result in severe and immediate consequences once discovered.

So sorry that happed to you for just trying to be a good friend.


Cuprunnethover2022 t1_j2sb58r wrote

Thanks. It was such a disaster. They kept saying "well you rode in the ambulance" which I did...but what was I going to do, run behind it? The ambulance driver told me to hop in, and I was grateful. I could have called an Uber but that would have been a long delay. So just NEVER give your real/full name there. It taught me a great lesson, very few people or companies are getting all my info from now on.


mwssnof OP t1_j2th2rk wrote

thanks for sharing, total winner story here, and I can't believe you can't at least get your legal fees back, insane!! we will def not be sharing names in similar circumstances!


Cuprunnethover2022 t1_j2zq9c5 wrote

I have a friend who REFUSES to give her name, ever. She will use a fake name to order food, shop online, get a manicure appointment, whatever. I used to think she was nuts to maintain that level of privacy. Now I think she's a genius. The whole world does not need our info....I learned that the hard way.