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PrincipleOfMoments t1_j303hbt wrote

Your original response inaccurately makes it seem like there are on average 12 such cardiac football deaths per year, and when a lowly layperson has the temerity to point that out, you quote a portion of your cited study in what my limited capacity can only assume was an attempt to prove me wrong. And, while I surely can't possibly understand the intricacies of statistical analysis, I am able, with the aid of a calculator a trusted adult let me borrow, to figure out that 41.2% of 12 is less than 6.

You also unequivocally asserted that the poster was factually incorrect when he said he felt like there were more such deaths in the past year, but cited only to statistics from 3+ years ago. To an intellectually inferior non-scientist, that evidence doesn't actually have any weight since it doesn't include the relevant time period.

You are obviously (in the sense that you keep saying it) a person of superior intelligence, which makes a lesser person like myself wonder why your responses are so full of anger and insults and so lacking in accurate substance or even complete comprehension of the points I've made.

I'll just go back to my tv so I can misapprehend some other story that I see.