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Leanster2000 t1_j303ly9 wrote

The statistics are freely available. Google it. BTW your memory sucks. They could not and did not promise transmission before the vaccine was in distribution. They could hope and assume, based on the % of cases prevented, that is was very likely transmission would be prevented, but they couldn't guarantee until it was distributed widely. In Feb 2021 Fauci called it "the looming question". By May 2021 the case collapse in Israel was so dramatic, effectiveness against transmission was proven for that original variant. And then of course the variants came.


lavidadida t1_j30mnab wrote

Everyone should have known the variants were coming, because of the exact point I made above about the speed of mutations in coronaviruses.

And anyone paying attention knows public health authorities either didn't know what they were doing, lied, or both. You can keep covering for them, enjoy it.


Leanster2000 t1_j31p0ty wrote

Nobody, including yourself, knew 1) what the speed of mutation would be 2) the impact of the mutations. There were no major mutations for quite a while, and the eventual mutations were able to evade infection but not protection against severe disease and death. No one could have guaranteed that the protection against death would remain, but it has and as a consequence we have saved millions of American lives. Sorry if this angers you.