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BigAlOof t1_j6jes34 wrote

honestly you shouldn’t be surprised in the suburbs either.


MightyBigMinus t1_j6jmj5j wrote

it is part of the canonical american (racist) lore that crime happens in cities and suburbs are safe


hxc-ufoz t1_j6nwyp8 wrote

That’s cute but unfortunately not remotely correct.

Common sense should tell you that higher population density and the relative anonymity of cities fosters a lot of petty crime. Multiples higher than in suburbs or the country. Crime statistics will confirm it


GoldenEyes88 t1_j6josm4 wrote

My town sends out a police blotter email. Cars get stolen every week.


AdviceSeeker-123 t1_j6kiyog wrote

Yea the jersey city and newarks are making their way further out


Jeff-Van-Gundy t1_j6mfr8c wrote

that’s what happens when Nebraska moves in with daddy’s money


AdviceSeeker-123 t1_j6mktez wrote

Or when the AG says police can’t pursue stolen cars and the criminals hit up submit and make a quick getaway to 78 or 24


strugsurv t1_j6jjs86 wrote

I had to think for a minute whether it should be the other way around lol


powatwain t1_j6j0o8u wrote

I appreciate that place with their blunt approach

Not the first time something like this was said


garth_meringue t1_j6jp1od wrote

In the suburbs the streets are lined with gold. There they don't know crime, illness, or poverty, and it is said even death is a stranger.


cC2Panda t1_j6k0g0x wrote

The real crux of it is population density. When you live somewhere with 10 times as many people in a small area, then you're far more likely to run across shit people.


SyndicalistCPA t1_j6nedqg wrote

Feel like I'm more likely to run into shit people from the suburbs than the city


mmw802 t1_j6jwkcs wrote

lol, i tried going here for a little after it opened because it is slightly closer to my house than blink in jsq but stopped after the first month. the gym itself is not nice enough to be ~$20 more per month than blink and the constant emails every time someone broke a rule or stole a water bottle were funny at first but became annoying.


Brudesandwich t1_j6jdmlk wrote

For real! I don't get how people move here expecting something different then end up hating JC because of their own ineptitude. Not saying it's right but we don't live in a perfect world.


well_damm t1_j6jhq8r wrote

People have the misconception that something expensive = quality / upscale.

They don’t realize that 2,000 a month apartment is just dropped in the repainted hood.


Stevenlive3005 t1_j6joyri wrote

That’s the one thing that outsiders need to learn when they move to JC. 2000, 3000, 4000 $ rent doesn’t mean anything here. You can get stabbed walking out of “Journal squared”. Learn about your neighborhood.


DifficultyNext7666 t1_j6jmpzb wrote

Eh, a construction site near me put up glass doors and considered the site locked up.

Shockingly people broke said glass doors and stole their shit. That's maybe 10 blocks from this sign


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j6jq7yg wrote

Heights fitness needs to treat their customers better. They can only act this way because of a lack of competition. Fortunately, they will soon be having competition.


Sybertron t1_j6kpix4 wrote

Eh not that hard to figure out who be stealing stuff just by log in times and cameras.


nickkkkkkkkkkkkkkk t1_j6lmyhd wrote

This gym is so small and smells! I want to support small business but it has to be done right!


fastAFguy t1_j6lcsxi wrote

“This is Jersey City, not the suburbs.” Should be the new City Moto!!


DCA6 t1_j6jtu04 wrote

Sigh. JC sucks


keightdough OP t1_j6jvte2 wrote

Disagree-Best city in the country! Born and raised before the gentrification


DCA6 t1_j6jwvx6 wrote

Thats a fair response. Waterfront? sure. Grove street? No problem. Paulus Hook? You got it. Everywhere else is a congested headache.
