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Rent-Control-JC t1_j673qx0 wrote

Yes. The tenants of Portside Towers have formed tenant associations after having discovered that their buildings do not have the documentation required by the rent control law (JCs Chapter 260) to claim a rent control exemption. After more than 100 tenants have filed illegal rent increase petitions, the city is refusing to enforce its own law. It turns out lack of enforcement is a well-known, longstanding issue. So, Portside tenants have taken their cases to City Council meetings and the press is paying attention. Tenants from other buildings, other organized groups fighting for tenant rights, and a few politicians have joined together to fight the corruption that is perpetuating the lack of rent control enforcement in Jersey City. They’re now helping tenants in other buildings to organize. There is more to come from them, so stay tuned. If you would like to learn more, DM me and I’ll send you a list of their City Council meeting appearances and the press they’ve received. You can also contact them at


endofdworld OP t1_j68wlpe wrote

wow that's terrible, I'll dm you! Jersey city is in dire need of rent control


imaluckyduckie t1_j661ixq wrote

Organizing for what?


drpuchala t1_j662ilm wrote

Wild guess, something to do with a rent increase


imaluckyduckie t1_j6635dp wrote

Right but you're going to organize everyone to stop paying their rent or something?


endofdworld OP t1_j68wrzu wrote

tell me you're a landlord without telling me you're a landlord


endofdworld OP t1_j661zp6 wrote

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lika a tennant association I mean


Rent-Control-JC t1_j69gjxu wrote

@RentControlJC Follow on Twitter and contact for assistance if you would like to organize a tenant association in your rental building and/or you’d like to learn how to determine whether your building has a legal exemption from rent control.