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Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j64gmyr wrote

This is what happens when reddit enables self entitled incels. The city had better not settle. How can you sue the employer of a person unless they were on the clock.


EyesOnImprovement OP t1_j64hn0l wrote

This guy probably having mad sex with super models in-between posting on reddit.


squee_bastard t1_j656bg8 wrote

Pretty sure Mindless-Budget9019 is Shamey’s burner account, someone else posted that in another Shamey thread yesterday and based on their posting history it fits.


doglywolf t1_j64pdf4 wrote

You can't . The city should not be Liable unless she was in the act of preforming city duties.

If it was a city owned/ provided vehicle that might be some gray area.


However here is where the BS comes in. If her supervisors like her , they can claim she was on her way to work in city vehicle and in the act of preforming her job to put her under that umbrella of protection that the average city worker would not get.

They can straight out lie and say she was on the way to an important meeting with someone or such things to help protect her form civil liability at the cost of the tax payer.

Which should absolutely not be done in this case .

She got an absolutely slap on the wrist . I can't wait for all the Reddit post of picture of her around town driving now that her license is suspended and nothing being done about that lol .


Laraujo31 t1_j64h9ze wrote

This is what happens when you run after an accident.
