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kulgan t1_j6519f5 wrote

Swerving in that scenario would be irresponsible. She was on a neighborhood street, and not even traveling that fast. Just apply the brakes.

Rear ending someone will always be the fault of the driver who didn't stop, not the one who does. This is basic stuff in the manual and on the test. Keep a safe following distance, be aware of what's in front of your car.


Blankman8 t1_j651jtt wrote

I’m just giving you scenarios that happens everyday. You can’t control someone tail hating you so chuck that manual and test out the window


kulgan t1_j651v1x wrote

Okay, if we're chucking the manual, yes, accept that you might get rear ended to avoid running into a human in front of your car. You've got crumple zones and their liability insurance will cover the damage.


Blankman8 t1_j6525dn wrote

Lol you must not drive. Also if i have a kid with me in the car I’m running over that idiot and not accepting a hit from behind.


kulgan t1_j652znf wrote

I do drive. I keep an eye on the road most of the time, though. And I get annoyed if I'm being tailgated.