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Bh10474 t1_j3khf07 wrote

Looks like LUXURY to me 🧐


goldorakgo t1_j3khw4h wrote

Yikes. It’ll cost a fortune to get finished and fixed.


rbastid t1_j3kpx87 wrote

That's the one on 6th and Monmouth? When they started that it was being built like a fortress, with the whole frame being cinderblock and steel under those fake bricks and wood. But it's been like this for what seems like years now, so perhaps the developer went bankrupt or something happened, because now it's just being left to rot.

Granted if I was buy something I'd go for this over the one they built on the 7th street corner, which went up in about 3 weeks and looked to be made of balsa wood.

That developer (7th street) probably skimped badly all around, but then sold at the right time and made a mint off people who didn't know what they were getting, while this developer looked like they were trying to build something good, and then had to slap cheap cladding on the outside to sell it before going belly up.


ohnjaynb t1_j3levfs wrote


I lived next to this monstrosity from 2017 to 2020.


oatmealparty t1_j3lxmmj wrote

The thing has been under construction for like 8 years and now has "bricks" falling off the facade. What's the deal with this thing?


driftingwood2018 t1_j3m5z4o wrote

I walk by this every single morning. Always wondered how long an abandoned property can remain in such a state in this city. Seems as if there is no recourse. As a resident you just have to deal with it


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j3m6zu6 wrote

I've been meaning to ask if anyone knew what the story was about this thing too! I can't believe it has sat there this long dripping chunks off the facade. Is there a years long legal battle for possession?

It would be interesting to try to figure out just exactly where they are as an investment. Assuming 1 owner and borrowed money, the property has appreciated certainly more than the taxes paid but a lot depends on what rate the money for construction was borrowed.


Goodbye_Sky_Harbor t1_j3mfkvr wrote

I'd been wondering what the deal with that place is. There was some concrete delivered outside of it and moved recently but I haven't seen any actual work in forever


NickIsAGuyinBK OP t1_j3mpjky wrote

I'd volunteer to go stand under it until a brick lands on my head but I doubt there's even much recourse, gotta be some funky legal limbo allowing it to sit and decay like that. Hopefully enough of the facade falls off that they're forced to redo the design and not have half the bricks in a running bond pattern and half just straight stacked. gif


Ainsel72l t1_j3n7tdm wrote

Dipped in the ugly pond. It's called progress in other neighborhoods. There must have been a meeting for it at some point where 2 cheerleaders attended and was proclaimed as an asset to the neighborhood that the community just loved!


HudsonRiverMonster t1_j3nifgv wrote

Damn, the developer must’ve looked at Xanadu and thought it just wasn’t bland enough.


XcheatcodeX t1_j3ovx4g wrote

Ugh this is similar to the style that’s all over Philly. Absolutely hate it


TrumpsBadHombres t1_j3pbcgv wrote

Moved here in 2015ish and that house was under construction…. Still going strong I see


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j3pcgux wrote

I dunno, ever gotten exterior prices? I would not be surprised if stripping and redoing that was well into 6 figures. Every time I walk past it seeing the failing exterior makes me queasy, some contractor told the owner that he knew how to do that, no problem! I paid a mason to do front stairs work and 4 years later it was way worse than when he started.

I've long described hiring contractors like flinging yourself off a cliff into the ocean and hoping a wave is covering the rocks when you hit. Even good ones leave you easter eggs you find years later...


objectimpermanence t1_j3pcyfs wrote

The chunks of missing facade material probably make it easier for moisture to get into the walls and such.

I think there’s a saying that moisture is a building’s worst enemy or something like that.

So I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a bunch of hidden water damage there. Especially if the building has been closed up for several years with no HVAC system running to control humidity inside.


YetiSherpa t1_j3qu2bb wrote

This whole building is a monstrosity but the front stoop is the absolute worst.


Puzzlekitt t1_j5smbfh wrote

I was curious about this place too, because the garage has those glass windows and its always been full of trash.