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bodhipooh t1_j3nvzx5 wrote

LPT: in NJ it is illegal to charge a BYOB / corkage fee if a restaurant does not have a liquor license.

Funny anecdote: about ~10 years ago there was a new place in DTJC that was charging corkage fees, got called out on it on what was the predominant local board at the time, they [the restaurant] copped an attitude, and then guess what... someone must have reported them, because that fee disappeared shortly thereafter, and they then tried to smooth things over by groveling in the same thread in which they had copped an attitude. If you are patronizing a restaurant/cafe in NJ that does not have a liquor license and allows BYOB, and they try to charge you a corkage fee, kindly inform them they are breaking the law and refuse the extra charge.