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NewLoseIt t1_j5aowax wrote

All the neighborhoods of NYC:

  • Brooklyn

  • Tribeca

  • BBQ Ribs

  • East Harlem

  • Queens

  • Williamsburg

  • Little Italy

  • Typical Spanish

  • Midtown

  • Lox

  • Jersey City


ooloox33 t1_j59ykz4 wrote

That’s funny because we don’t have bagels here


lux-lp t1_j59kins wrote

Jersey City bagel from new York?


Mosanso t1_j59nwvz wrote

We made the cut and SI didn't. I can appreciate that.


lux-lp t1_j59vu16 wrote

Lol Usually the new york one is the Lox one


matteofox t1_j5bue87 wrote

How did the New Yorkers escape jail?

They ate the lox!


hudsonreaders t1_j5ahpmx wrote

The JC bagel should be BaconEggAndCheese with optional SaltPepperKetchup.


bodhipooh t1_j5bkm74 wrote

dafuq!? Of course not. Everybody knows it should be THEC.


Alukrad t1_j5aav6c wrote

Bagel Lox and Jersey City bagels got mixed up.

The description and title don't match.


matteofox t1_j5a2n8e wrote

And it’s probably better than any bagel you can actually get in jersey city lol


oatmealparty t1_j5cscsc wrote

I know people like to bust on wonder bagels but they're still 20x better than anything you'll find in the rest of the US, let alone Europe.


Brudesandwich t1_j5aaw1l wrote

Crazy considering our lack of bagel spots


jjvvllxx t1_j59zjhn wrote

loll!!! did you get it ? was it good ?


ffejie t1_j5ac1c0 wrote

I would venture a guess that the person who came up with this menu has no connection to NYC or JC at all. They probably popped open a map and chose what looked to be the prominent neighborhoods in and around NYC. Our geographic proximity fools the outsider into thinking we're just like BK or Harlem, whereas most locals think we're in a different world.


AlienVisionary t1_j5a2ypn wrote

Sounds good... making me drool... now I've got to go to wonder bagels to get one


AlienVisionary t1_j5a38gg wrote

On a side note I've never heard of bbq ribs bagel..... although one eyebrow did raise up slowly...


fastAFguy t1_j5a5sfc wrote

If someone opened up a decent bagel shop in Jersey City, and had this menu. 🔥🔥🔥


AlienVisionary t1_j5abn3l wrote

I know right... but the bbq ribs one got me thinking... and opens the flood gates for crazy combos. Although maybe the ribs can be considered Texas..but imagine like fried chicken waffle bagels... macaroni and cheese bagels...thanksgiving dinner bagel...heck might as well have sushi bagels and anything that might not make sense at first


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j5c5cn8 wrote

I"ve actually had a bagel with sliced turkey and homemade cranberry sauce! I put a lot of things on bagels as I usually have them (from Hoboken Hot Bagels) in the freezer. Meatloaf with ketchup and raw onions is a good one also. I'd totally put our home smoked BBQ pulled turkey on one, but the wife usually buys sub rolls.


GiveMeAUser t1_j5afqig wrote

$10.50?? What kind of place is it?


nk1 t1_j5ag7ql wrote

They’re just trying to capture the New York experience


bodhipooh t1_j5ededc wrote

Actually, it’s 10.50€. So, about $11.50 USD.


DancingCavalier t1_j5aclmh wrote

Okay, but I really want to try the bagel Tribeca. It looks really interesting


Historical_Times_29 OP t1_j5ct9fb wrote

I am from Madrid but I live in JC, of course I almost cried when I saw this menu!! ❤️


Fozziebear3 t1_j5djxdi wrote

Can probably fly over there and get that bagel quicker than it takes waiting in the glacial Wonder Bagel line


AryehCW t1_j59yhxm wrote

It's amazing!


Top_Ad7068 t1_j5apajg wrote

We need a follow up pic of this thing.