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agoodproblemtohave t1_j3wnpiv wrote


e-buddha t1_j3xbbw6 wrote

Across the street need to go down Duncan Ave towards the truck depots. Can’t miss the nets.


FinalIntern8888 t1_j41o4t7 wrote

It’s literally right over the bridge over 1/9, in the same park as this


Ainsel72l t1_j3xd2fh wrote

Right at the corner of 440 and Duncan. Skyway Golf (because of Pulaski Skyway). Drive down Duncan past the Gulf station. The entrance is down further on Duncan going west. I think k it's only 9 holes.


FinalIntern8888 t1_j41o1jb wrote

Literally in the same park as this building, it’s just over the bridge in Lincoln Park West. Skyway golf course