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BromioKalen t1_j659w6x wrote

I did not realize you could open the windows of that building enough to jump out. That's a busy pedestrian block. Glad no one else got hurt or killed.


Miringanes t1_j65crrh wrote

You’d have to remove the stops, which is doable, but you need some tools.

My guess is it’s someone who lived in one of the 3 penthouse units with the balcony, or someone jumped from the terrace on the podium.

None the less, very sad. I used to live there.


RebeccaLoneBrook29 t1_j65nt43 wrote

Does this mean they are going to make windows harder to open?


AllShadesOfBlue t1_j65whmx wrote

Oh fuck, I literally walked through here as is happened. Didnt see her jump but I got evacuated from the area as I could hear people scream “she’s dead, she’s dead” I thought it was an active shooter so I ran as fast as I could. Absolutely tragic, I hope access to mental health resources gets better.


SadMaverick t1_j66yxxi wrote

Tragic news. May she RIP. I had witnessed something similar few months back at Washington blvd. Hope her friends/family are okay.


squee_bastard t1_j67svp8 wrote

May this woman rest in peace, sadly there have been a few other jumpers in nearby buildings in the last few years. Makes me sad to think these souls felt this was the only way out.


Oorujah t1_j69hw1a wrote

I was listening to the police scanner when it happened. Insane